2/22/06 La luna

hey…shouldn’t that be in quotes? line stealer;) I had a blast…it was nice meeting and doing shots with some new people…maybe next time we will actually make it to La Luna’s

i almost went to BJ’s, but i aborted. Do people dance there at all? Does cameron still dj? How about Jess?

come one we woulda done the lisa turtle dance with you

most definatley … i knew i made the right choice in going there

come on now i started that! lol That Mike can’t take all the credit … it was a Mike and Mike production lol

we definatley danced like complete idots most of the time there… it was fun

work > lUna…

FuckkkKKkkkkkK!  I missed it..

anytime man. good meating you :touchy:I think me and Mike had the shots pretty well covered :smiley:


Yeah man some people were totally rocking out. It was fucking awesome. I was laughing my ass off the whole time. I even rocked out a little bit myself with a few other speeders :D:tup:

Definately a fun time when youre with a great group of peeps :tup:

Oh and 1 dollar Pabst Blue Ribbon FTW :eekdance:


anyways…couldn’t make it…been kinda sick for a few days…felt really crappy last night

oh yeah i found out about this just an FYI … the DJ who just got canned is spreading that rumor it was still packed when i went and no end in sight for the free powerhour… soo next week it is and then probly BWJ after … we’ll see

:ham:ok i have a flat tire and nothing else to drive now … if i go it’ll be late and no one will be there

were you that short fat hairy drunk man I saw Wednesday night?

yeah, Jess and Cam both DJ. Jess earlier in the night… Cam later. Cam still rocks most of his old-school la luna shit… like he used to play before they decided to just stop paying him.

OMG and you were that psycho man voice ugly chick? i wish i would have known. i dunno janny i’ve never been anything but nice to you… i guess you are as psychotic as everyone says. lol no wonder no one likes you.

and it’s spelled SWEET.


1/10 for comeback originality and humor… :tdown:

1/10 for drunken crappy dancing

i’m prob be out next wednesday across the street at big shotz, and will probably have to come across the street to check it out…

given that the temp. is somewhere above the teens that is…

Hahha, idiot… I wasn’t drunk…

i was so confused the other night though … i didn’t recognise you without the bikini.


i think she was refering to me and my friends

:lol: oh dear…


No, she was referring to me because of the 1/10… Your friends were at least a 2/10…

oh, I thought you were because of the dancing.
now I’m just impressed that you weren’t and you were still acting like that.

It’s all about love!! :headbang: