Should have done slightly longer exposures…but they still look good.
wait you car idles? lol
Nice pictures
pictures look good. Clean your car next time and they will be better
The car is clean, you do realize I have 204,000 miles on my original paint.
pics of car next to pump gas station please…
haha j/k looks awesome man, nice pics
Haha, now that gives me an idea for a pic. I’ll get back to you on that.
Next set we’re going to take the 2 down into town and get some pics.
Good job on the pics
x2 and make sure the pump is in the filler neck lol…car looks good though man…
Nice pics Kurt. Who’s 1gen is that?
The HDR makes my eyes hurt. A little bit overdone.
Still pretty nice pics, though.
It was done that way on purpose, the guy who owns the 1g wanted HDR.
Yeah, I know a lot of people like that effect. Pretty nice pics regardless.
These arn’t your best HDRs, but not bad none the less.
I thought they were, most of the others had really bad halos etc and were done with jpgs not rafs…
Well I think why some of your others are better is due to probably trees. One rule of thumb I was told about HDR, and which seems to stand true is… You want to avoid trees in your HDRs, because just a very light movement from a branch will make the tree totally blurry. Not saying it can’t be done, but its just very hard to.
None of the trees were moving in the pics I took this time, my other HDRs all had trees with leaves in them that did move lol…that’s not it then.
looks good kurt
What do you use to do the HDR? I’ve tried a few times (with 4-6 images) and it never ever turns out like that, thats badass!
±1 with 3 exposures only.