2 new cars...

well, i picked up 2 hondas today.

1st one is a 93 2 door ex coupe . 5 speed, normal faded red w/ black interior. not bad, needs a right axle, and tranny rebuilt or replaced as bearing is going in it but still driveable. truth is i probably wont fix either the axle or the tranny until it catosraphically fails on me. rust is barely popping on one 1/4, and starting to bubble on the other. this is daily driver for now. i go pay for it and transfer title on saturday.

2nd car is a 91 dx hatch 1.5 auto white w/ blue interior. plans for it are to put a sohc vtec head on the 1.5 block (mini me), and swap my si tranny black interior and suspension into it. this will be my rally cross car. car is not to bad of shape. drivers 1/4 is ok, bottom of rocker by dog leg is shot. passenger 1/4 is ok, bottom of rocker is weak–not through yet but i could poke it and probably go through it. my replacement 1/4’s would fix this up no problem.


i want to see a rally x

there gonna kick you off of then vw forums if you keep buying hondas like this.:wink:


sweet!!! at least you have some cars to F with… that’s all you need :kekegay:



I’m requesting the hatch as a gineau pig, please??:x: :x:

Ha ha.

cool man