2 revelations about life...

1: Subway Sandwiches

If you eat at subway, here is the key to a good sandwich. My usual subway has these young, 'like-omg!" kinda chicks working there. The sammiches are ok, but you ususally get attitude and a crappy sammich.

Revelation: Go to the subway down the street who has FAT chicks working there! They a; think any guy smaller than them is cute, so you get the ‘in’ no matter what, and b; obviously fat chicks know how to eat, so them hitting on you PLUS they know how to make a sammich!

End result, the secret to a killer sandwich at subway.

  1. Childhood Obesity

So i’m sitting at McDonalds during lunch yesterday. No school that day for the surrounding area. So, of course I had to go to mcd’s instead of subway. So i get my food after a clean 5-7min wait, then sit down and begin to get fat.

Well all around me are parents with there children. They are all wining and what not. So after a while, they start to finish and get ready to leave. (I’m a slow eater, I get to watch all the crazys)

Here is the kicker I could not believe. EVERY fat butler hoe family would get ready to leave with there 8+ kids. When they were wrapping things up, the parent (or teenager, your choice) would say, “hey suzie, FINISH YOUR MEAL!!” The child responds, “no mommy, im full”. In a more loud voice, the mother goes, “FINISH YOUR BURGER AND FIES OR NO TREAT ON THE WAY HOME!!!”

I’m dead serious, this was the similar case for at least 3 different familys. They all FORCED the kids to finish their food.

Revelation: Childhood obesity is a parental problem and could so easily be fixed by raising better parents (or teenager, your choice) :wink:

Thank you, i’ll be here all week.

true that!

The subway on rt. 30 in McKeesport by the Destinta had the hottest Subway chicks I’ve seen.

Totally useless post but most of mine are.

Speaking of sandwiches and parenting, my buddy’s dad gave him this advice.


That would be an invite to the chicks up here!

That’s interesting.


where the hell does 22 go thru mckeesport?

Sorry it’s 30… I think Destinta has 22 screens and a big ass 22 on the sign and that’s what I was thinking. In North Versailles, not quite McKeesport.

clean your plate syndrom this comes form when those parents were young there parent saying starving kids in china, and the parent of those kids saying the great depression. the problem is that kids are still little and a small fry now was a large fry back then

Translation: Eat this shitty, fatty food, filled with preservatives, and then you can eat shit that is even worse for you, but don’t worry, it’s really tasty.

Lesson learned by kids: All foods have the same nutritional value, moderation is bad, eat all the tasty food you can get your hands on.

Outcome: fattest nation on earth

If parents forced kids to eat vegetables, lean meat, brown rice, and drink water, they wouldn’t get fat. You don’t have to skimp that much on healthy foods.

The fact that kids eat burgers, fries, tv dinners, and drink pop is a problem, and the portions make it even worse.

portion size is crazy…

if someone brought you an actual normal portion you tell then they were crazy.

red meat & fish is like what 6-8oz or something

everything you eat thats is packaged…chips, soda, etc… just check the back label & read the portions/per bag, bottle, can, etc…

i can’t tell you the last time i saw a bag or bottle of anything that said 1

or it will say serving size 8 chips…LOL
when the last time someone sat & ate just 8 chips.
its crazy.

as far as kids…its def the parents. i think it has more to do with lazyiness in the kids & parents more then eating… I mean christ get up & do something…or make your kids do something except veg out every single day in fron of the TV/computer.

& i still have no idea how a little kid (toddler to maybe 6) gets “obese” & i’ve seen HUGE ones in person & on TV like maury. 2yrs old 80lbs…WTF?

how does that happen…my son bounces off the walls pretty much all day…he burns 200 calories just trying to keep me from putting his shoes on…what happened to those other kids?..baffles me.


this is why im not having kids.

omg please pm me for a funny story!


Should throw that fact in there as well… we are so technologicly advanced, there isn’t anymore throwing a football in the yard when you can do that on a video game. There isn’t any walking to school when your parents buy you brand new cars. Its only going to get worse too.

that is so true when i was younger we lived like 3 blocks 1 way from the elementry school and 2 blocks the other way from the middle school grades 1-8 i walked to and from school. i can remember kids who lived closer than i did getting a ride, i never understood that

obesety in this country is a big as problem. its causing tons of healthcare issues so our health insurance premiums gets higher and higher. its also costing the government lots of tax money since most of people on medicare is poor and fat. in the meanwhile all the fast food chains are making shit loads of money. i’m still adictted to junior bacon cheeseburgers though.

To top off our bad diet, we as americans live a very sedentary life. I don’t blame most people since there are barely any sidewalks to use to walk to work, school, grocery store and we all live far away from our jobs and where we conduct our daily business. plus its cold as shit out there. i’d rather be in my warm ass car doing errands.

so i think its pretty hard not to be overweight because of our daily lifestyle.

Warm places with sidewalks still have fat people. Pittsburgh might be a little worse. Making yourself fat with foods is similar hurting your health by smoking, and both are driving health care costs higher. It is a matter of indulgence, this is one of the things that got the Romans in trouble.

omg i wreck 20 piece mcnuggets
