
did you make it to the mornig without leftovers?

ahahahahahaha… hes the only fat kid who eats half of his food and then puts the rest in his car? Ill never understand. The best day to steal food out of cheek’s car is on tuesday and sundays… why I say these days?? Subway has 5 dollar sub special on tuesday then on sunday its 2 subs for 7.99!!! Your so fat you chubby fucker!

pot, kettle, black

$4.49 on tuesdays:finger:

oh ya, i was in the presence of tubby, chubby and tool last evening and i must say, once you get over a ton of combined men in 1 store, it gets really small…

you being 70lbs doesnt help ethier.

chicken and red bull for the win

lol i didnt even add in my wieght, but if i did. Then id have add in your poor excuse for a don johnson beird and that alone wieghts 70lbs hanging from your dbl chin.


hahaha how did you know I was going for the don johnson look? I meen I have the ferrari.
