2-speed supercharger

cool idea… but couldnt the same be done with clutch? like an AC compressor?

I dont know… sounds cool, but somewhat of a waste of $$$. If you want full boost @ 1500 rpms then get a roots blower :stuck_out_tongue:

^ yeah im with steve on this one. its cool, but kinda worthless. the same could be achieved much easier. now the porshe weighted turbo fins…thats where is at :headbang:

MBs have been using clutched SCs for ever. Didn’t read the link though.

I always thought that making a mad maxx style compressor would be cool… so when you flip a switch to turn it off, it activates a switch in the ECU that changes the timing/fuel for an NA setup and vice versa

It’s called nitrous.

bah… nitrous only lasts so long before ya need to refill the bottle (not knocking the people who use it). But having the forced induction on hand for spirited driving, and NA for fuel economy would be pimp IMO.

at the very least… unique

edit: actually… I bet it wouldnt be all that hard/expensive to setup either. the worst part would be figuring out what diameters the other pullies need to be to to work with a large clutched ac pully (and if the snout was the correct length/width to accept it) compared to the stocker.

one of these days I’ll try it… when I have $$$ to burn

edit2: actually… forgot about the pully stop. that would take some thinking to get it working correctly


i always thought there would be some merit to using a snowmobile centrifigul clutch type system that changes the pully ratio…

:tup: probably a lot less complex and more cost effective

a [car] trans designed like that could be cool too, but not sure what kind of disadvantages it would yield (maybe size?).

image never having to shift ever again (no slowdown)

the have them. it’s called a CVT

heh… learn something new everyday lol

edit: any disadvantages?

edit2: n/m

until recently, cars with engines larger than 1.2 liters were considered incompatible with CVT. More and more, however, CVTs are becoming available that can handle more powerful engines, such as the V6 power plants found in some Nissan and Audi vehicles.

Other disadvantages include its larger size and weight.

Still, in the right situation, CVT’s advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Less complexity and moving parts theoretically mean fewer things to go wrong and maintain.

The first U.S.-sold production automobile in the world to offer a CVT transmission was the Subaru Justy GL, from 1989 through 1993. The engine in that car was 1.2 liters.

honda guys did it 4+ years ago

the idea of being able to turn it off is kinda lame. just dont mash the gas

seriously thou. variable SC FTW… i mean, SC pulleys dont even need to change size much to get substantial boost increase. You would want the driven pulley to start small and get bigger with RPM, holding a constant boost.

Major disadvantage would be that you’d need to use a V belt which could slip under heavy loading.

what about using a modified coned gear on a cog setup? deffinitly a good idea… run with it man :tup:

would be great, especially if able to incorperate it into existing compressors… direct bolt on

werd, that would be pretty slick

get on it bitch

Actaully I was thinking about a possible solution to a few days ago. Was probably going to fire up solidworks and try some possible ideas. However it was more directed to high stress applications. It’s also way too bulky for using on a smaller device such as a super charger.

that information is retarded.

A CVT is lighter, smaller, and has less parts than an automatic transmission.