2 teens killed in overnight car crash.

started driving to work today, not even a quarter mile down the road on clarence center rd, where the s turn is by the golf courses are located, I saw channel 2 and 4 i believe parked with the cameras outs, had no clue why. nothing looked out of the ordinary when I drove buy, did some searching and came up with this.

boy I guess I am a sound sleeper, due to having my windows open and not waking up to any sirens


Two Clarence Teenagers Killed in Overnight Car Crash

The Erie County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that two teenagers from Clarence have been killed in an overnight car accident in the Town of Newstead.
Investigators say 18-year old Amber Graf was driving the car and struck a utility pole. Sarah Breslin, 19, was a front seat passenger. Both died at the scene.
The Erie County Sheriff’s Accident investigation unit are still investigating.

best wishes to the families. hope none of you on here were close to them!

oh man

I feel bad that she died, but looking at her FB page she was definitely a “dumb broad”. Not insinuating that it necessarily caused the crash, just an observation about a person, whether living or dead.

it appears her passanger was from St. Catherins.

esh. FB profiles of dead kids are fuckin creepy.

especially when they are still logged in on the FB chat

So weird going through someone’s facebook post death, especially in a case like this were she just got a new car then wraps it around a telephone pole a week later.

Saw this on the Buffalo News this morning but they’re saying a 1977 grand prix. I thought it was an odd vehicle choice for an 18 year old chick, but looks like it’s just one more mistake on the Buffalo News resume.


I think if I knew someone that died I wouldn’t make a post on their FB wall.

not like they are gonna read it…

I feel like a lot of the driving motive is self sympathy than anything else.

If I knew someone that died and could access their FB I would make status updates

“Wow it is REALLY hot down here!”


One of my close friends just commited suicide on the 12th and i did post on his facebook wall. Only because i found a poem the night before his wake that fit perfectly and i wanted his family from around the country to read it.

Probably would have been better off with a '77. Probably wouldn’t have gone fast enough to wrap around a pole, and if it did, would likely hold up better.

nobody see this wall post?:

“Thank you, Amber. Hope your doing okay after your little spin on the 290. We were afraid for you.”

that was from last week. I assume she had an accident just a few weeks ago, finishing off her cougar. ?

Or broke the pole.

If I died I’d want my friends to update my profile with the likes:

“Hilter is a pretty cool guy, really good at darts.”

“Can you believe I met the pope today?”

“Barny is the horniest dinosaur I’ve ever met.”

Are you all friends with her? It says I gotta be friends to view it

we’re in the same network.