20 min until American Gladiators

so it has come to my attention this morning…

the referee on this show…is the same ref. from Dodgeball (the movie)

was informed this morning of this. I found it kinda funny. But i guess he was also a MLB ump.

glad we didn’t watch…

Very disappointed at the show… i had to turn it off after the first hour. It was really really boring.

My coworker was reading up some information on the gladiators and he found that Militia was actually in gay porn.

And sign me up for the Crush fan club :slight_smile:

You guys are all haters, true its not as good as the origional in the last few seasons but have you watched how bad the first season was? It will get better with time.

100% agree.

I didn’t read any replies in this thread other than the last one, however I’m annoyed by the following:

  1. The gladiators do not wear american themed outfits.
  2. The gladiators OBVIOUSLY aren’t on enough steroids.
  3. Many of the events have been altered to be easier!
    a. The rings have not as many rings.
    b. The handbike portion is SHORT AS HELL
    c. It makes more sense to just fall in every part of the eliminator, were there even penalty seconds for sucking?
    d. The openings of the powerball depots are much wider, and the balls smaller. NEVER could you throw one in randomly.
    e. WTF was with the gun shooting one? For real.
  4. There is a little too much drama.
  5. Larry Cszonka was much better than Hulk Hogan. I would have enjoyed a real sports announcer fulfilling this role. Ms. Ali sucks also. If she said “push through it” one more time, i’d probably kill her.
  6. Themed gladiators are gay. Like the samoan one, “wolf” was adequate. Militia, etc, all gay. Only one resembled the gladiators of old, huge, white, blond, blue-eyed… like “Tower”
  7. Holy WTF commercials.

I liked:

  1. Gina Carano is pretty hot, she’s always been sexy, and can beat ass.

I’ll still DVR it.

agree 100% on this i would also like to add that the competitors snappy lines seem over the top scripted.

Hopefully tonights regular time slot show is the real deal and not part of the 2 hour get pumped about it premier.

If you were too dumb to realize that it was going to be stupid, just kill yourself now.

did they even have the original theme song last night?? or any theme song at that

i heard nothing!

It is worth DVR’ing… I was laughing my ass off last night. Some of that shit had to hurt.

Holy hell that was horrible.

Crush is hot, the contestants were idiots, and I wanna smack Ms. Ali upside the head for dealing with the same scripted lines over and over.

And :rofl: at the asian chick tonight, wow she was HORRIBLE, she barely finished the eliminator before they went to the next show on NBC. The country boy was hilariously “simple” too, tonight was CERTAINLY a night of stereotypes.

he looks like such a pedophile…srsly

he looks like he shold be working at Global Gym


Crush Fanclub President!!!


Helga got shot into the water in Assault…hahahahahhahahahah whale flop

Maybe this has been discussed but I can’t bring myself to read 3 50 post pages of this…

It could be that I was younger and more naive at the time of the original, but I don’t remember the show being so full of homosexual innuendo. The wife and I watched about 10 minutes, I asked her, “Do you remember the original being this…” and while I was looking for the word she goes “GAY???”. :lol:


The sound effects are the gayest part. The original was much better but this one is sooo much funnier.