The Hulkster goes off on a tangent

I cant believe i used to love watching this shit.

Watch till the end, when he really goes fkn nuts.


Did he just do a backstroke in the last few seconds? :eek3:

Yeah he was backstroking to New York City. With Donald Trump on his back.

It all makes perfect sense.

:rofl: Hulkamania for ever brother. It’s all about the training the vatamins and the prayers, so whacha gona do when Hulkamania runs wild on you brother!

I grew up watching WWF from the day I set foot in North America I have been a fan or WWF (or WWE as they say now) and up to this day I can’t stop watching it lol. It’s the best male soap opera on television :lol:

i grew up watching it aswell, and stil am a hulkamania fan. :smiley:

I never watched it much but I fiended playing it on NES

ahhh that brings me back