20' pressure treated boards

Where to get them from?

Having a hard time finding a lumber yard that stocks them.
I can find crapass kiln dried 20ft boards, but that’s not going to help me as these are floor joists for a house @ grade.

Need to be at least 2x8" or better… preferably 2x12".

Or is there some kind of shit I can put on kiln dried boards to make them as if they were pressure treated?

Did you try Niemiec Builders Supplies Inc. They are on grant street across from buff-state college. I’ve purchased
20’ 2x4 and 2x6’s non-preussure treated from them. They might have the pressure treat lumber in the size you need, just call them and see. They usually have what I need when home depot or lowes dont.

(716) 884-6990
800 Grant St Ste A
Buffalo, NY 14213

Nope didn’t try, I’ll give them a call tomorrow morn… thanks!

and 84 doesn’t have them, before someone says there.
Unless different 84s carry different items, I don’t know… I probably should have asked.

and I have no idea why I posted this in OT, probably because I’m a retard.
meant to post it in homes.