$200 mil...what would you do?


hahahaha… asshole :smiley: your 200 would not last long

I almost forgot… Id hire a wrecking crew to kick the shit out of every wiseass I have ever come across :slight_smile:

i have to introduce you to sarah.


buy a church on the coastline someplace … turn it into a castle for myself

buy a real 300zx tt, steal 90NA’s … strip the na swap of all vins and swap them onto the real tt, leave it for the cops to find and return to him …problem solved

give janny a paying job that allows her to sit on the internet and correct peoples spelling, i know she would love it

buy a srt4 , take it to a large neon meet … crush it with tank to make the sissies cry

repeat abobe with a saturn ion redline

pay chevy to stop building cars all together …

shoot bush … replace him with someone that will ignore big business money and change the country for the better …

build a hot GN
build a hot 53 corvette
buy one of lingenfelters personal cars … from like when he was alive

donno what else

start smoking crack, and see how long i could go before i ran out of money, or died.

I would buy out all the world’s Skittle and Coca-Cola supply.

Some of you appear to think $200 million is way more then it actually is.

^ somebody had to… ahhh… kids these days…

oh, and drink beer.

i almost forgot about that… how silly of me


For my $200 million I would have people that anger me assasinated by Antonio Banderas and then I would pay Diddy to bring me bitches…and I guess he can stay too, I would take all of NYspeed out for ice cream, I would buy the domain name for that other local board and just put up a constant message of WE ALL SUCK SO WE HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED on the screen. I would proceed to have unprotected sex with supermodels and have superbabies and sell them on the black market just in case times get tough. Then I would buy Autoplace Nissan/Infinity, fire everyone and turn it into a well organized Nissan dealer with an importation and legalization center and sell nothing but Skylines, S15’s and 180sx’s amongst other JDM supercars :slight_smile: Yeah I bet with 200 mil I could hook that up :slight_smile:


youll need a couple of nissan freindly partners

this is simple

id fly every single fucking long island skank over to the middle east and let them fight the war for us, with their prada bags and gucci bras (5th mark jeans… take that off… )… and hope for the worst… or the best… ahh what a quanundrum

ok seriously though id buy every single fucking cable news channel or newspaper conglomerate and either shut their doors or make they tell the truth without editing stories or even excluding important events ( which happen everyday and the only way you can find out is by reading european news )

since this is the only way america will ever change and pull itself out of the sewers

count me in

$200M wouldn’t get you anywhere near that, sorry.

id visit all the places ive always wanted to

like cambodia, and africa, basically everywhere over seas

i was gonna say do 2 chicks at once but someone else said that

o and id whore myspace telling everyone that i have 200 million and bang all the underage poon i can

buy a srt4 , take it to a large neon meet … crush it with tank to make the sissies cry

best response yet, and oh yeah, count me in on the nissan thing :slight_smile:


lol nah but seriously Id pay whatever ungodly ammoutn of cash it costs to have AC\DC come down to my house at liek 1 am, well, my old home seeing as i have 200mil, and blast big balls, wait for the cops to come down, pay them off, give free beer to my neighboors who wanna enjoy the show, then hire a hitman to take out that old piece of shit. Who the fuck calls the cops on you cause your car is blocking the sidewalk in your driveway at 3am. No one. oh wait, the landlord does. Who cuts his grass with scissors. You know who. Who Calls you a liar to your face cause you fell asleep after a marithon of 6 hours school, 12 hours one job, 8 hours another job, 6 hours more of school and 4 hours more of job # 1 again all on no sleep, cause i “ignored him when he was snowblowing the drive”- even tho its his job - i guess when i said i was sleeping i was lying… Some people travel when they retire. Others work on a hobby. He, became a bitch. An ex-amry bitch at that. Nuttin aganst the army or those guys and gals, got lotta resepct for them, but cause of that, he thinks hes god.

buy a bigger house with a big garage
start a photography buisnass
my wife would prob go back to school to become a professor
have some kids
build some cars up
live nice
and my family and close friends would be living phat too.