What would you do if you hit the mega?

What would you do if you hit the Mega Millions for $500Mil?

But heres the catch you can only do 3 things with it to blow it all.

1: Buy a top fuel funny car. Pull up to the first cop I could find at a light and light um up for a mile. A little pay back time.

2: Buy a 100’ yacht, somehow have it put into round lake and catch a musky off it.

3: take the other $300Mil left over and buy/pave my own private road right along side the thruway exit 27 to 23… just so I can pass EVERYONE sitting in rush hour traffic, every day! LOOOL


  1. Marry Trace.

  2. Buy every 2 stroke detroit powered anything ever created. Immediately straight pipe, then check fuel and fill oil daily and make a shit ton of noise.

  3. Buy a huge house and a fuck ton of land so i have a place to keep all my new found jewels.

buyout the place i work at and demo the whole lot :slight_smile: then do whatever i want and make the people begging for money from me do stupid idiotic things :slight_smile:

  1. Pay off all my debts
  2. Set up an account that takes half of the remainder and pay myself bi weekly until retirement
  3. Take the other half and put it into some kind of investment for retirement

Would let me live like I make 6 figures a year w/o actually doing it. Newer car, maybe some land with a cabin on it. Good vacation each year. And no worries about not having enough money for the future.

Buy shift, ban MANY members.

pay Krazykid to post everything that is on my mind


Pay off my debts, my mom’s, my dads, buy them both small places where they want to retire to, buy more land and bigger farm equipment. Buy small cars for a couple friends eho really could use a new vehicle. Invest invest invest.

Two chicks at the same time…

Buy land.
Buy bikes.
Build track.
Build villa.
Ride/race until I drop.
Start a porno business.

1.build underground lair.

2.help my family and friends.

3.fund peoples dreams/local businesses (crc would get a nice donation…)

build huge house/shop on a huge chunk of land, bang a different girl every day, & invest in penicillin

Whooo glad I bought 3 tickets today. Cmon big money so I can finally get married.

When you two domestic partners wedlock, if you aren’t in a camo dress, he’s not wearing a cowboy hat with a 8" stainless exhaust stack on top, and instead of a self-propelled diesel motor rolling coal down the aisle you have a traditional flower girl… I aint comin!

Jimmy will be our wedding chariot!!

instead of cans on string, will you have honda civics on chains draggin behind?

nah, running detroits. makes more noise.

  1. Pay off my debts and my families debts. Send my family back home in Ukraine a fat check.

  2. Buy a nice house (something like $500k or so, nothing too crazy like the stars get for $10+ million) with a decent amount of land in a quiet area somewhere in FL (I prefer warm weather/palm trees) as well as a small but nice collection of cars.

  3. Put a bunch of it into the bank to incur interest and maintain my wealth and the rest…just do whatever. Travel, see the world, etc.

  1. Get the fuck outta NY
    2)Buy a house for around 350k maybe 400k and start a family
    3)Spend a good month buying cars… Would only have 1 hypercar nd that would be an Agera R

Id buy a nice house somewhere around here, pay off all my bills, buy a few cars like a new Corvette, buy a house and truck for each of my brothers, buy my parents new cars and pay off their bills and stick the rest in the bank.

I probably wouldnt even quit my job because I need something to do everyday so I dont sit around getting bored, lazy and fat.

That being said I havent even bought a ticket and probably wont.

Build big house, not fucking near anyone.

Cars be epic.

Create non profits for charities/animal shelters.