$200 mil...what would you do?

an f16 for about 27mil

a house for about 200k

a beach vacation house for about 200k

a cigarette offshore race boat
misc. jet skis, quads, snowmobiles etc…

invest and bank the rest

Id buy a house, pay off my car, buy a truck and maybe a few more cars and buy my parents a new house and a new car (they already have one '05) and buy my brothers each a car or truck and then live off the interest.

I would never care about anything ever again and go crazy. :smiley:

i would buy every single billboard in the US and canada and write “tyler is god” and i would buy a dome to cover all of buffalo and the southern tier and it would snow 10 months out of the year… and i would make kissing bridge about 14 miles higher and have it be awesome… that is all… oh yeah… i would do 3 chicks at the same time

i doubt id go giving everyone a new car
the list:


  1. a full size van from the 90’s … with how often he uses the one he has now if i bought him a new one, the warrany would be gone by the 4th oil change
  2. a chrysler 300c - hes always loved mopars, and i know hes always liked all the letter cars
  3. pull the 73 lincoln out of storage, combine it with a 57 t-bird shell, leather and cloth interior, vintage air, power everything … painted what ever color he wants

mom: something honda … used because i know its never gonna get cleaned anyways

older brother & his wife: let them go pick out w/e they decide they want

younger brother: same as above

little sister: 1g talon, evo8 engine bits on a 4g64 swap, super 16g , evo 6 speed, lsd rear diff. prepaid parts account with skrapper . lol … and yes, i do mean that the engine would be in there timing belt on the left, not right

parents house … blank check for anything my parents want to do

my house: an old church, completly gutted, and rebuilt from the inside out to resemble a castle, everything being either stone brick or finished wood, amost nothing would be painted. pews(sp) for the front hallway so you can sit down to put your shoes on, for the kitchen table and for the backyard on the deck. belltower turned into a castle tower. small cannon on the roof for firing blanks at neigborhood kids that try to TP my trees. 8 car garage , large shop full of fabrication equipment. plenty of land for parties, including a section suitable for live entertainment, an area suitable for camping and an outside bar / grill area. inground pool playboy mansion style , inc a waterfall

maid service, nothing r rated there, landscaping company to do all the heavy lawn work, pay the bills by spending my days working on cars

a duplex or a pair of townhouses fro my sister and my brother, their pick of furniture for the place and a 2 car garage on each

College educations for my younger siblings and a few cousins

i donno what else

200million is a shit load of money.

I’d put it all on one hand of blackjack.

Where are you buying these magic houses for 200k? The only place houses are that cheap are in undesirable places, like buffalo. :slight_smile:

i dont know if a casino would even let you do that.

but that would be some serious balls.

lol i dunno, i didnt think that far ahead. I just wouldnt go crazy buying some $5mil mansions or anything, just an average house

200 mil would ruin someone.
400 mil would make someone.

If i lost 200 mil on one hand of blackjack, i think you’d read about me in the papers the next day in the obitz section.

Makes me thnk of that story of the guy who played the same lotto numbers every year for like 7 years. The one day he didnt, those numbers hit the megamillions or w\e and he lost out 85 mil. Sucks to be him…

[luda]Given a million dollars, what you gone…do?
Wrap your life for your kids-kids or would you spend it over night?[/luda]

I’d replace my rear left brake caliper, rather than try to bust that G****m piston loose tonight…

I’d probably just invest most of it, live life about the same without having to worry about making my bill payments (yeah, that alone would be priceless), and try to keep it quiet so all my friends don’t turn into haters. I’d keep working cuz I like designing stuff and I’d go nuts without something I needed to accomplish.

thats a definate case of "god called, he says he hates you … in a funny way

werd… probably buy a nice house and a few toys too :smiley:

Megamillions is up to $250M now :smiley:

Also, the number they give out is the what you would get if you opt for the 26 payment plan. So in reality, after taxes and taking in the lump sum, a single winner of a lotto jackpot gets like 40% of that figure. Still a big chunk in change :smiley:

lump sum + investing > payment plan

compounding interest is the shizzle

I would buy thousands of acres and develop a totally self sufficient compound using solar and wind energy to assist in growing my own food and climate controlling my dwelling.
I am surprised that someone like Ted Turner or Bill Gates has not done this already.

it doesnt take much equipment to make your house run on free elecricity

theres alot of people out there that have their houses set up to generate power, and all the excess gets pumped into the power grid

if they make to much power, the elec co gives them credit for it, if they use power off the grid the elec co just takes it back out of their credits again

i remember hearing something to the effect of nys or erie county not allowing you to run a windmill generator tho, theres a privately owned one sitting in wales or holland, the owners put it up and someone (an official of some sort) told them they arent allowed to use it

at least thats the story …

I saw that on discovery…

the reason your not allowed to put up windmills is due to noise pollution and the people around you still paying for power will complain that your environmentally safe lawn ornament is UGLY

if i put one up, and was told to shut it down cause a neighbor complained, they would quickly learn that the windmill makes less noise then me throwing rocks thru their windows at 3am

windmills aint cheap damnit …