Down here in the southtowns people have signs that read “NO WIND TURBINES” because they were discussing building a few down here.
If I buy thousands of acres nobody will get close enough to hear them.
When I say self sufficient I mean EVERYTHING, not just electricity.
Edit; I did read somewhere that if you produce electricity the ultilty company MUST purchase it from you even if it costs more.
…and then they ‘tree hugging, women’s jeans wearing, peta mother-fuckers’ started bitching that windmills are not safe for birds.
It takes 1 windmill to run an average rural home for a year, it’s clean, it’s semi-efficient, and it’s safer… but You cannot have it because it makes too much noise and the fucking retarded sparrow apparently cannot navigate around a 40’ tri-spoke blade that turns at 8 rpm.
the aussies have a windmill farm off in the middle of nowhere that has this HUGE controversy going on because it SUPPOSEDLY kills like 2000 birds a year
of course this is an ESTIMATE … because apparently theres something preventiong them from counting the ACTUAL number of dead birds on the ground
and when i say “something” … i mean that counting the number of dead birds on the ground would force them to say “yea, we only killed like 10 birds this year”
power for entire city > worrying about a pile of dead birds
Buy a bunch of people shiny new cars. Then drop the fuck out of law school. Or maybe i’d finish and just not care about my grades anymore, just to have the degree. Then i’d find myself a nice little house, furnish it however I want, and set it up to be completely off the grid; passive and active solar and wind power only.
Then i’d read, travel, and play games. Whatever, whenever, and wherever I want.
$250 mil…easy:
Alero goes from “only car” to “grocery getter” (yeah, I’ll keep it)
then I buy:
Dodge Viper (I just love Vipers…any model, any factory color, I’ll be cool with it)
Big 4-bedroom house in a nice neighborhood for everyday living
decent-size 2 bedroom house in Aspen, CO; and another house by a beach (probably NC or VA) [of course, the stuff that fills these houses are expensive too, so I’ll stop there and dump the rest into an IRA]