$200 mil...what would you do?

hmmm lets see…buy out the house across the street and turn it into a 4 story garage, for my
Enzo (1 red, 1 black)

Murceilago (sp?)

Vanquish V12

Esprit TT

NSX with Supercharger

Pagani Zonda (silver)
Pagani Zonda Roadster (dark red as seen on top gear)

911 GT3
911 GT2
Carrera GT

Koinegsegg (sp?)

McLaren F1 (1 black, 1 silver)

i’m sure more cars will come to me in a bit…
but in the mean time, other ideas…

several maids, all compliments of the playboy mansion, naked 24/7

a huge open gym, floor made entirely of a huge trampoline

about $1 mil would be invested into my bar…

a mansion in almost every big city in europe, one in LA, one in Miami, one in Ft. Lauderdale (sp?), one in mertle beach…

when i’m not driving one of my kickass cars around, i will be driven around in my lamborghini limo (thank to “Team America” for the idea…)

i dunno, give me more ideas people…cause i’m winning tonight!

and i just did the math, if you take it in 26 payments, given that its taxed roughly 50 percent…thats like $10,000 a day…for 26 years…


sit on the internet and make fun of people all day


2 chicks at the same time


get a big vault filled with nothing but gold coins and have a diving board and ladded and swim in the coins all day…just like in ducktales

poop on my boss’s desk



You’d be broke by the 6th month from the looks of that post… LOL

that and buy a house and sit on the other 199.9 mil

oh yeah one more thing i forgot…



Invest and live off the intrest


my friends and family wouldn’t have to worry about shit, i’ll tell you that much…

haha u would throw that shit out

2 chicks at the same time

stole my idea for my post, id actually buy a house, make my focus the most insane focus ever imagined, then sit on the other 199.9mil and live off the interest forever


I <3 you

buy a house on lbi, rumson, vancouver and a big boat. then i would blow about 20 mil on cars, friends and family

then i would invest the rest and live a normal but cumfortable life.

:bsflag: prove it

1 - move out of here
2 - buy a palace of a house on the beach
3 - buy a murcielago with 19" Asanti’s
4 - buy houses for the friends that I think deserve them … right next to mine
5 - throw amazing signature parties once a month
6 - start choke slamming the hottest girls until I find one that is worth making rug rats with
7 - give half to my parents and Sis
8 - start a business
9 - learn to play the Piano, guitar… n maybe sing…if i can
10 - martial arts and gymnastics training once a day
11 - build a childrens center
12 - travel
13 - invest the rest