2003 BMW M5 E39

he lost all his taste in cars apparently. ever since he got rid of his xlr he doesnt have any intrest in sports cars


my dads only 42 im sure he will hit a mid life crisis after the 7 series and be back into the sport cars :lol
but my moms only 39 and as long as shes got her escalade she doesnt care about what anyone else gets haha

It has IMOLA leather, magma wtf magma blows imo :rofl

then please explain to me what im getting for 39k? 4 wheels, brakes, an engine, trunk, seats, transmission, steering wheel etc. so what makes this car worthy of 39k? I know plenty of other vehicles, i actually was pretty close to getting an 02 540 with the m package for fractions less than that car. My point is i see nothing justified in spending that much for a car that is probably not much better than any other sports luxury vehicle, for example


just for comparison, and for the record, my claims have nothing to do with GM, gm cars are not on the same level as bmw, or audi or most european cars for that matter, so dont ASSume things

I am not going to try and sell you on this car because you are without a doubt your not a buyer comparing an audi A8 to an M5 (can i compare your camero to a Ford Taurus? I kind think people would pay more for a camero)… but for the record do a nationwide search for an 03’ M5 on your trusty autotrader.com and the closest matching vehicle (in respect to miles… these cars are very sensitive to miles) has more than 10,000 more miles and is listed for a higher price without the performance add on’s and is a much less rare color/interior combination being sold at another BMW retailer.
As far as Kelly blue book goes, cossey is actually quoting me when he says that they don’t write checks. They are a consumer source that funds their business through advertisements and run their business on the key fact that you will go to them to see what they think a vehicle is worth and in the mean time see all the banners displayed. They have no actually data or show that they do that supports what vehicle’s sell for at auction or at dealerships. It is their opinion and while sometimes they are close, more times than not they are way off.
A great way to experience how great they are is to click the button that says determine your vehicles condition, they will ask you a series of questions and if you are honest about body work, tire tread life, and various things that make a vehicle ready and able for retail… if they have to do any kind of calculations they tell you they have no established value for the vehicle.
Look up the values of some of the modified cars that you have all bought or intend to sell and if you see KBB values you know that it is way off. For fun check out a supercar or vehicle that has a scarce availability and then check listings to see if you can actually buy that car for what Kelly says you can. Apparently a 1998 Toyota Supra 6 speed turbo with 10,000 miles unmodified should go for low 30’s. SOMEONE PLEASE FIND ME THAT DEAL! The only thing i seem to find is one with 50,000 miles on eBay with a buy it now of 50 large.

now a supra, thats worth 39g’s, and that last person i need selling me a car is a car salesman, and there is nothing wrong with an a8, def a better dd for the upstates

You just don’t get it… enjoy your camero.

theres nothing to get, your selling a car to a bunch of kids in high school and college, am i the one thats not getting it? :ponder

I apologize to have waisted your time we car salesmen sometimes forget how you could have used your time more constructively than to have numerously posted negatively … let me reiterate that this is not the most expensive vehicle that is owned by someone on this site and is very much in the reach of these “kids” parents and or people in their networking. This is a great site for the upstate car scene, where a within a small community everyone knows pretty much everyone. Just to say it again:

A $100 dollar referral fee will be given to anyone who recommend someone to me that buys this vehicle (Any other vehicle for the record).

This car is beautiful, I see it every day on the way to work… Good luck with the sale.

Leave Marat’s thread alone if you don’t like his price and feel the need to do nothing but belittle the car and price and say you would never purchase ANY used car for over $30,000. It adds nothing to a thread posted by a guy trying to make a living, posting a fair, though maybe to rich for your blood, price on a VERY nice and very fast sedan. Anyone that has driven a high horsepower European sedan knows that the cars move like no ones business while remaining the epitome of luxury.

Edit: To add just how relevant this thread is to the people on here, the ad has been posted for 4 days and already one guy from this site has gone to look at the car with intent to purchase. I’d say that speaks highly of the spending power here on shift.


Ok and then one of these kids from high school goes to a doctors appointment and the doctor gets talking about looking for an M5, kid says oh this guy Marat who works at Keeler has a beautiful E39 M5…Sale made, now guys, stfu.

:lol :lol :lol… :idiots

worth is defined by how much someone is willing to pay. It differs by each person, so for someone to actually continue to argue this cars worth is a fucking joke (yes, this is directed at you plaf). This car is absolutely worth the list price to me. If I was in the market then I would absolutely consider this car. Good luck with the sale.


Reading comprehension > you.

BTW, wanna buy some wheels?

lol. i do. really good deal but iono.

absolutely it does, but this is a car forum and i am allowed to voice my opinion, i just think its funny that you guys drool all over this car, dont get me wrong its beautiful but to me no car is worth that much.

Do you honestly think that what i’m saying is actually going to affect someone that is interested in buying the car? If someone is interested they arent going to listen to a guy that owns a camaro :crackup you people crack me up

OK, its like the 3rd time now you’ve said this car isn’t for you and not worth it in your eyes. Why continue posting in here then?