theres a 2004 black 350z i’m looking that has some scratches that are more or less…ppl leaning on the car, ppl brushing up on the car or looks like finger nail scratches, claw marks from a dog. Some of these scratches are about a foot long.
Can it be buffed out or any method other than repainting the whole car? and if i would need to repaint completely what would the price range be?
sorry i’m really new to cars and just started to learn to drive manual(since all my friends drive manual it just kinda rubbed off on me on getting one).
here are pics of the scratches,
right side rear…

right side front - has these weird paint chips…

the rear looks like it can buffed out, but it’s hard to say. The front i’m afraid can’t be helped. I have the same chips all over. the front bumper.
If anything, just buy an aftermarket bumper to replace it 
time to go rob a bank for that bumper 
Hey man,
Looks like the rear can be buffed out, if you need a shop or person to do this send me a pm and I can recommend someone.
Depending how deep the scratches are… it can be wetsanded and/or aggressive-mild compounded and polished out.
took pics of the black one and none of the scratches i could feel on my finger. The car is noisey and i think its from tire feathering but the basic warranty coverage has passed. There was one that i slightly felt so looks like more or less surface scratches. asking price of black one is 30k and i’m pretty confident i can talk him down in price but its just a lot of work and car shop time i’d have to deal with and getting new tires since they have at least 46k on front/rear.
but aside from that i saw this white today and i think i’m pretty much sold on it, cars pretty much mint condition - asking price of $35k that hes not willing to negoiate and still has about 2 months left on the warranty or 20,000 km and i will prob. need new tires for the rear as the front was replaced through tirefeathering/nissan warranty.
heres pics cuz i know you guys are pic whores 
removed since it was diff car ; /