Have you ever had your car SCRATCHED!!!!!!

:C Yes this has happened to me 3 times now, it’s a long story, but who ever’s doing it is ignorant and thick, they keep scrathing a new car i get, my paint is very rare for my car, and these SOB’S scrathed it you know to piss you off way, deep steel curling half on one body part contiuing to the next part, the only day i didn’t go out was yesterday, and today i go out happy, thinking to get a car wash, and notice, a deep scratch from the upper passenger side hood continuing to the right fender, and all over on the trunk, and chipped my my hood to the steel, dents here and there. These people are thinking we don’t notice wait till i move from there people will wish they never owned a car worth over $500, i told my sisters friends and mine, OMG they are pissed because they know this has been going on with my family for more than a year now, last time police was involved, and things got nasty, these people doing this to us know how the system works, they got the victims victimised, but i’ll keep patient till that sweet hour…

I won’t go into details because someone here could recognize what im talking about, anyways, if you have had your car scrated go on flame those B##### here and get your steam out… :mad: :C

that would make my blood boil !!!
even careless asses who have dinged up and scratched my door…and the stupid idiots who dont know how to drive and have mucked up my rear bumper…i mean…my paint wasnt in pristine condition to begin with but its a piss off…
but its just ignorance to be doing stupid things like that…any type of vandal
if i knew who it was…as you do…and it was happening to me…i would definately be informing my brother and his friends to take care of it lol

Im not sure if ppl are doing that to me or not. Every so often tho i find new scratches in my car tho…not parking lot dings, but scratches that could have only been done by a person. But until i actually see someone i guess ill just keep telling myself im going crazy.

that doesnt change the fact that i hate it when ppl **** with my car. Ive almost goten in fist fights becasue of ppl being douche’s around my car.

yeah!!! some1 did that to my old civic back at home… too bad for them i knew who they are and reported to the police… worse my uncle was chief of police then so they got ****ed in the ass… literally… **** the people who do that… ill kill my cigarette in their forehead for retaliation!!!

yup i had just gotten my civic painted for Sport compact nights SCN and after the show i was really tired so whent home and left the car out for about 15 minutes while i ate somthing came outside cause my alarm whent off and i had a huge scratch on the side of it… paint not even 2 days old go figure ****ing kids… so lucky i dident see them

also when u park ur car close to others u get dinged or they rub on it and scratch it…

I don’t think I’ll ever own a car that’s not silver in color… :frowning:

I couldn’t bare to live with the swirls, and the near-impossible-to-match paint as in the darker colors. I’ll DIY every scratch and chip, and live with the knowledge that in the sun, no one will see because they’ll be blinded by the sun-flares.

I have gotten my car keyed once. Three times keyed…WOW! Heres a suggestion if it happening at home…GARAGE!!!

Lucky for me…I found out who did it to me! And resulted in a new paint job. Friggin immature, jealous kids.

I feel your pain bro…

hey, so dont you just hate it when drunk f*ckers named dan jump on your hood?

I currently live in an apartment and have underground parking, damm house is taking for ever to get built, so i really can’t do anything to park somewhere safe, but for the time being i’ll change my parking right to the entrance of the garage door, where there is a 24/7 360 degree camera.

Nothing beats what happened to my friend.

his girlfriend thought he was cheating on him and keyed his impreza all around (meaning all 4 sides), the funny thing was when he saw and started chasing her to stop and couldnt catch her for a lap, luckily girls have low endurance haha i think she managed to do 3 laps around his car

he wasnt amused tho, cost him an arm and a leg to get it repainted haha

if it happened twice i’d hide out in a bush for the night with a basball bat and go to work when it happened again