ATTN: Faggot who scraped my bumper

… after I got it repainted on Friday.

If I see someone else touch my car while parking I will put coolant in their fucking face after I curb stomp them.


Dont you live in New York… that shit happens all the time, deal with it.

No you won’t.

No one gives a shit.

How many posts is it going to take until you realize 90% of this forum lives 600 miles away from you?

I will try and be more careful next time

it was me. i fucking scraped your bumper. get over it. bitch.

Because an NYSpeed member searched out your car just so that they could scratch it and piss you off right?
Shit happens dude…

lol why’s everyone gotta be so mean to the poor dude?

I mean it’s not like it’s his fault he’s retarded.

Dude that was you? Sorry man. I would of gave you my insurance but I was way to coked out.

I was riding with nitro. You musta got a shitty paint job, it went all over the place.

My torch wouldnt light to burn your piece of shit to the ground, so i just scraped it with the ignitor instead.

Then i drove 7hours back home to Buffalo

Shit looks like I will have to buy more coolant

We were wrecked off Honey Browns at the time…fucking hilarious.

the first rule of FC bro…

This was probably me. I’m wondering though- I hit your car when I was pulling out of my spot and not parking into it… so am I exempt from said punishment?

Cool story.

It was a cab driver.

If i still lived in Brooklyn, id walk.

Sell the car, walk. You will get places quicker.

someone put a scratch in my truck last week.