2005 NFR Honda S2000


great car! plus rep for a great seller!

Probably going to want to list how many miles are on the engine, if you know.

sorry i missed this

short answer: rebuilt engine not very long ago but i have no paperwork to prove it as it was done 2 owners ago. i am 99.9% certain on this as i’ve been driving the car for 3 months now, put over 3000miles on it and it runs flawless, makes zero ticks or irregular sounds and burns zero oil.

long answer: Ever since Damir(aero93) fucked me on that subaru i’ve been pretty skeptical of what people say when it comes to buying cars. I got this F20c from a car i bought from a girl in Mass. She told me the car had a new transmission put in it and the engine rebuilt by the previous owner who she got it from in PA. She had owned the car for only a couple months before she slid it into a guardrail and totaled it out while driving it in January…smh. I took it with a grain of salt, hoping it was true but without a receipt i had no proof. i couldn’t even get the car started when i bought it because the battery was dead and i left my spare battery on my workbench that morning when i left to go get the car (i did put a battery in it when unloading it). Upon dismantling the car i realized that indeed it did have a new transmission with a vin indicating it was from a car wreck at 19kmi and a brand spanking new oem clutch disk, act lightweight flywheel, act hd pressure plate all expensive parts. This backed up her story as far as i was concerned and then put this engine into this car when i got it. I’ve had this car on the road since early April and i will attest that is a solid running car. The engine makes no noises it shouldn’t make, it shoulds great, vtec kicks in yo, and it burns no oil. I’ve driven this car every day for almost the past 3 months straight, it’s solid and reliable. I would not hessitate to jump in the car and drive it to florida tomorow. Anyone who knows me will vouch that i am not a bullshitter or a storyteller and that i am a straight shooter and honest guy. Anyone who’s seen the car will attest to it.

jake is 100% stand up guy and he goes above and beyond to make sure any car he sells is top notch! when he told me waht he was going to do to the car just to sell it my jaw dropped like fixing a few paint chips and blemishes i wouldnt even think of fixing on a used car that i was going to be selling!

^ i actually just set up an appointment to get it painted next week, fixing all those little scratches

holy shit! do you have a disorder? hahaha your nuts but someone will be getting one hell of a car!!

That sucks bad. I’ve noticed a few members on here who have had serious car problems that were purchased from other members…and the sellers don’t post anymore either. Pretty shitty

Whoa whoa, I haven’t been on shift in forever due to having a ton of stuff to do at work and in my life, I also don’t visit often because I don’t even have a car anymore, I drive company cars now. ( came into this thread to look for a summer toy car and get back into it )

I fucked jake Is not what happened or how it was handled. I don’t know where that came from but last I know we handled the situation. And as stated before this is a car forum pretty much tuning and modding cars and I no longer do that.

Jake feel free to pm with what’s up, because I don’t know where that came from

it came from when i bought a lgt from you and you delivered it with a blown up engine. Yes you gave me $500 back after i hastled you, a new engine however cost me $2550 and a ton of work. You’re an asshole, i think very little of you. Especially after talking to a couple other shift members about previous cars you’ve owned/sold/crashed for insurance money

got real in here

Wtf are you talking about, I have only been in two accidents in my life and neither were for insurance money, one deer and one asshole half in my lane. I dont know where you are getting your info from but I find it interesting that your friends with captain Morgan ( Semir ) whom I used to associate with and no longer do because of his character. I wasn’t aware you go soley on hearsay and take it as fact.

I at this point don’t care much of what you think of me. You test drove the car inspected it and negotiated the price down. The next day I agreed to sell you the car, so I guess in the one day difference or two i dont remember exact the engine blew and I sold it to you? I offered to help you with money which I did and I offered to help you do the work to fix it which you declined and said it was only an hour or two to swap motors and you were not interested.

In any case I’m glad everything worked out for you. No need to clutter your for sale ad pm me if you have anything elese.

Half the people i meet from shift are like “Oh man, you bought Damir’s car, right? Sorry he fucked you on that, he’s like that”. At the time i didn’t say anything about the car, but the more people i meet form shift the more people who tell me that’s the kind of person you are, without me ever mentioning you or the car. You dropped off the car, i got plates and insurance the next day and went to get gas and the cel came on, i guess in the 5 minutes i owned it that must have happened…when i called you to explain this you you told me you immediately spend the money, but you could help me do the work to swap in a new engine, gee thanks that total makes up for you being a lying sack of shit. Why did i turn down your help? Because honestly you don’t look like you know the difference between a wrench and a screwdriver, but that’s besides the point. Your offer to “help” didn’t help me much when i had to fork out 2550 for a new/used engine. Atleast i was able to get 500 out of you, but that is still double the price that car was worth on your end’s take. Luckily i had money for the swap and even the upgrades i made to the car, but had you sold this to someone else who just spent their savings on this car you would have completely fucked them out of the transportation they just depended upon.

You don’t like the captain because he’s a good honest guy? I see how that would clash with your character

Stop asking me to pm you, i realize why you wouldn’t want anyone to see this but if you want to try to discredit Semir for no reason then i’ll make sure everyone on here knows the extent of your character

What’s done is done. i put a fair amount of money into the legacy and built an awesome car which got me through the winter and just recently sold it to a kid in saratoga who is loving it. We don’t need to re-hash it, that just sparked a flame with you acting like you’re the victim and you have no idea why i wouldn’t like you or trust you.

serious question here. Have you thought about putting the supercharged motor on a newer bodied car?? or do you love the black one that much? it’s been a while since i looked at your build thread and i’m not sure of how extensive you got with modding that car.

I’ve done all the ap2 cosmetic upgrades aside from taillights. i was going to do the taillights but i decided i like the ap1 better on my car. i have the bumpers, headlights, door cards, radio door, center console. my car looks like the ap2 so there would be no point of doing that. And my cage is welded in so that’s never gonna come out to swap over either

And yes, i love the it that much. i took that car from a wreck to where it is now and i am very proud of it. I’ll never sell it.

awesome, one day i want one. Just gotta wait for the kids to get older.

I bought a tdi from a member on here… clutch was supposedly replaced at 100k miles, unfortunately it blew to pieces at 170k.

I never had any interest in s2ks until I did a prepurchase inspection on the one my sister’s boyfriend picked up. Now when I see it in their driveway I want one. I think ill just plasma-cut the roof off my Jetta instead.


just an FYI car is getting paint next week. if it sells now i’ll take 16k but next week price will reflect the cost of paint. nothing to be concerned with just a few scratches and rock chips i want fixed so it’s 100%.