2007 NECC Track Day Events

Well, we were finally able to get a few track days together. Unfortunately, the Edmonton Garrison (Namao) will not be available this summer due to military related events.

This summers track days will take place at the Griesbach facility here in northern Edmonton. Address and details will follow soon. The facility is smaller, so the event will be a little slower, but one benefit is that we are in town, and we don’t have to be so strict in the pre-registration of the vehicle and guests.

Below is a list of the days that we have booked. The facility is available until 7pm.

Saturday June 2, 2007
Sunday June 17, 2007
Saturday July 14, 2007
Saturday August 25, 2007
Saturday September 8, 2007

I just wanted to post the dates up first, and we will have details, including pricing, times, addresses, and registration procedures very soon.



Sounds great Aaron!

I’ll be at the Lake for June 2, but will hopefully catch some others.


cant come to the first one, will be out for the rest for sure :smiley:

I will be out to all but the first one as well, it’s time to see what this Honda is capable of.

Everyone, please remember to register your cars a head of time.


is the event on the 25th still happening? how soon should we be registering?

hrm i’ll be in town the 25th :slight_smile: . . .

hey are you guys doing any more drifting days i have a nice rx-7 that i want to melt the tires off of. :rolleyes:

Ill definatley be there on the 25th!! :lol: