2008 College Football thread

Pitt could still win out and be 10-2…thats two games more than most peoples prediction of where pitt needed to be. I still think wandstedt is Pitts man. He needs to go away from whats become traditional coaching (over analyzing film and grading…etc) and put the best athletes on the field …cough…elijah fields…cough!

Pitt would certainly not play PSU if PSU doesnt make the BCS title. Big ten winner plays pac 10 in the rose bowl unless one or the other makes it into the NC game… then an atlarge/2nd place in conference would play in their spot. last year for example Illinois was high enough to qualify for a BCS so they replaced big ten winner OSU who made the NC game. Penn state would have to some how lose the Big 10…which would probably mean them losing two games and still being ranked high enough to get an at-large bid. Penn state at it sits holds pretty much any tie-breaker. Minnesota doesnt play msu & PSU but lost to osu, michigan state could beat psu and cause a 4 way tie in the big 10. OSU, PSU, MSU and minn could al finish with one loss. ohio state would hold a tie breaker over minn and MSU but not PSU… MSU would hold the tie-breaker over PSU… PSU over OSU. I think it would go to points maybe?

5-2= horrible? michigan is horrible…Pitt is having an average pitt year.