2008 VW Rabbit 11K Miles $13,900

Seriously. I got this thing with like 25 miles on it. Probably karma for all those other threads I shitted up.

Anyway, buy this thing!

forget an STI… so boring…

buy shawn banzer’s S14 and part it out a bit / detune it… to about 250 - 270whp and DD that…

Subaru’s are all such yuppie starbucks cars…

they make 300hp AWD Ford Taurus’s now too… OMG GET ONE OF THOSE!!!

lol. I just want a stock car, not a modded S14.

Buy a Ford Fiesta fggt

lol @ wanting a stock sti… a ya right.

Im surprised this thing lasted this long. GLWTS

I had a stock one for 2 years.

Actually having owned a modded one, I think I’d be less inclined to mod the third one.

im just picturing a tune and what not… nothing as crazy as the last one.


I really doubt I’d do any mods to it. Ever. Anyway, tell yuor girlfriends about this vehicle.

Also to note, it gets great fuel economy.

and it is suprisingly spacious inside!

Yes, It will fit an entire drum kit as well as a few speaker cabinets.

oh here is another bump…

btw when do i get taht old set of drums…

they’re at my dad’s. You can get em whenever. they’re pretty kicked, but they’re gonna get tossed soon.

omg siqqQqQqqqqqQQ mk5…

text sent…

remember that mexican place we ate at? we gotta go again!

I almost need a second one of these.


I just want to add that these cars are perfect for commuting/daily driving.

I use to hate VW’s with a passion but these are easily best in their class.

Extremely reliable
perfect combo of power/milage on a budget
comfortable interior
drives like a real car, not some budget pos made in mexico
highest safety rating
great in the snow

Someone buy it, drive it and be happy.


way over your head…

and glws ct
sry about telling you its lame :stuck_out_tongue: