2009 Leonid Meteor Shower

I have seen this once before when I was a freshman in High School, it’s pretty cool if you can stay awake for it…

IB4 Joe asks if they can reschedule it for around 1pm so he can be drunk the night before. :wink:

cool, thanks for the heads up

I saw the Perseid shower back in August and it was pretty good this year, I guess the Leonids are going to be better though. They’re talking 500/hour possibly this year.

I remember watching the last intense shower (circa 1998) in the southerteir from my dads pickup truck. He had a dumpbox in the back…so I just raised it to the correct angle and laid in a sleeping bag for close to 5hrs.


Damn it, apparently outer space is run by morning people too.

^ double haha…

We won’t see this.

Look up the times for each area of the country, the best viewing time for us falls around 4:00pm.

I’ve watched the Perseid Meteor shower every year since I was 8-9, it never fails to amaze me. I recommend anyone who is interested to watch that next August.

we will totally miss it once its dark out?

from space.com
[FONT=arial]Those in the eastern U.S. and Canada are especially favored because Leo will be high in the southeast sky between 3:30 and 5:30 a.m. EST, just before Earth is expected to exit the meteor cloud. For the West Coast, this translates to 12:30 to 2:30 a.m. PST, when Leo is much lower down in the eastern sky.

NASA says pretty much the same thing… maybe you misread 4am as 4pm?

so this is TONIGHT at 3am?

no…just not by alcoholics…

well it is TECHNICALLY tomorrow in the early morning… but i’d call it tonight for simplistic reasoning.
So just stay up tonight and at 3am you can see it.

Got the camera ready for a LONG exposure =D

This is a week-long event. It will just peak tonight. Too bad I have class early tomorrow morning…

hot tub is heating up, we’re going to enjoy this comfortably :tup:

lucky bastard lol. I was just outside for like 5 mins and was like fuck this. too cold lol

its so cloudy here, i can’t see shit

Ah yes, 4 AM not 4 PM, my mistake.

I just stood out there for 30 minutes and didn’t see anything. And I was standing in a field with no trees, so i had a full 360 degree sky view from behind my apartment with no lights.

I’m sadly disappointed I didn’t even see one little iota of a shooting star. Now I’ve gotta go to bed and miss it all.