2009 Spring Tri-Vette Auto-X

Fail is a 2.2 60’ on slicks. Its too bad you gotta go to morgan to get your 2 step lowered.

Edit: Hope your going tommorow

Why arent you going tommorow? Drive rami’s mr2

Are you fucking serious? You are such a tool.
I know, with your piece of shit fucking 130whp it wouldn’t, but my car spins those tiny 22" slicks just as bad as my street tires. So you better learn the facts before you talk shit.
I can drive. You can’t.

Go to Morgan to get my 2-step lowered? Where are you getting your bullshit from? I plug in my laptop and lower/raise it to whatever I want, because I know what I’m doing, unlike you. You think you know everything because you know D-series junk.

I may be there tomorrow, I have nothing to prove to you, as you can’t drive for shit and think your budget ass car is awesome. Guess what bud, it’s not.

P.S. - I ran a 13.2 on my street tires @ 107mph, did a 13.01 on the 22" slicks @ 107…Hmmmm trap goes down when your hooking, so clearly the car wasn’t hooking too much better on the 22" than my street tires.

You have no fucking clue.

Your best time was your first run at 1:25. if you hit cones then you have to count them lol, it was nice to meet you by the way, hopefully they let you run them in time tomorrow.

if you guys are also talking about the loudest most horrible sounding silver civic that was there, i dont know how he ran whatever times he ran, the car looked like it was going 2mph. Nothing against him but that car sounds horrible.
Miah and I ran the best times from our group of guys, i know shane will be joining our times tomorrow
Miah ran a 1:18.039 and i had a 1:18.796

wow i know no facts but i talk shit all the time does this make me a fucking moron?:rofl

They are talking about the silverish/blueish EG civic…He was in my class…He came in second in the 1st event…and 4th in the second…I came in 3rd and 5th right behind him…He seems like a good driver…Im pretty sure he only had a single cam in it…

And I hope I join your times today Jesse…My best time was a 1:20.233 with a cone so Im right there I just have to not hit so many cones…lol

wait, so when the clipboard thing said “1:25” or whatever and you know you hit a cone you really ran a 1:23 + 2 or you have to add the two yourself to get a “1:27”? :lol

lol whatever they wrote on the clipboard includes the cone

okay yeah thats what i thought haha. i’m leaving in about 40 min with 4 other people so i’ll see you guys there

yeah thats him it is a single cam

I really wish I went again today to beat my friends times :rofl

Never realized how much that really beats the shit out of your car.
Fuck that. Notttttt about to break something/blow my motor on my DD.


my goal from before the weekend was to get sub 1:20, my best time today was 1:21.834 WITH a cone (2.000 second penalty) so i was ALMOST there. if only i didn’t touch that one cone :facepalm :lol

I didnt really have a time in mind. I just kinda went for the fun of it. The track is extemely fun even for my 4x4. I was extemely happy with my 1:22.6

Yeah you did a good job with that car actually, we were all giving you props after

The great thing is it doesnt, I’ve done 5 events there and no one has ever broke anything, especially a motor. I can go to lebanon valley and watch tons of cars break down and waste my time as compared to an auto-x

K20 has a vagina.
I’m just saying…

I appreciate the props from you guys too, stuff like that makes for an environment you want to go back too. Its tough to find that in drag racing. I dont think autox is any worse for your car than drag racing is. I havent seen a car besides 1stgens break.

I even got to run the X3. It was a blast!

I was late so I missed my first two runs.

1st run - 1:17.698
2nd run - 1:18.2XX
3rd run - 1:17.103
4th run - 1:18.0XX

i never got a chance to introduce myself, i was in the red mr2. your car looked 100% PERFECT and you seemed to be driving it just fine! :lol

you did great man, nice meeting you