auto x tommorrow

ok i know this is late i was gonna post it befor but didnt have a chance. Seen it today when i was on 787 it’s a auto x event there haveing it tomorrow to from 9 to 4 but they said get there at 8. Its 40 to enter and its free to watch. its at the end of 787 going into albany its that big parking lot at the light. But i am gonna enter it just for fun and if anyone wants to meet up to go let me know. thanks

O shit my bad i just seen this in the event’s section sorry

Where is it?

right off 787 if you were going to the new lot just keep going stright tell you come to a light at the end of the highway then it will be on your right. went today to look and it looked fun.

Weather is supposed to be nice too.

Any idea who is sponsoring it?

lol at this thread

some ssc name van was parked out front. they had a bunch of cars to. so it looked like it was legit it’s in a state parking lot.

shut up lol

Really Dom? :rofl

yo i got there mad late and just asked question’s quick idk who is running it but i seen it in the events section are you going tommorrow?

scca is running it i fail hahahaha

i’de like to show up to watch ! maybe i will before 4 but is anyone from shfit reallyt gonna be there

I’ll go because I probably won’t have anything going on anyways

I won’t be going because big day out is tomorrow. I have a lot of drinking to do.

i will be there at 9am tell about 1

ill be there if i put my brakes in time

well i wanna know if any brown people are going off of shift, i cant be associated with you people


Oh yeah, I’ll be there.