2009 Spring Tri-Vette Auto-X

Dkid said whatever tires he ordered are better than my Yokohama AVS ES100’s.
Is this true?

I need monayz. Brookstone just gave me more hours FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU

Nice bro you working tonight? they called but i worked too much this week already

Nah I’d be there already :rofl

wtf? i dont remember this, and that was probably literally the day after i got the car. whatever. even if it did happen once it is .2% of the time (1/356, i drove the car for the first time exactly 1 year ago today :hug )

and ethugging =/= proving you wrong. theres a difference.

I kinda remember this but I also remember the car having the bald tires from the last owner…
If this did in fact happen Kramer has a vag, if not, he still had a vag. :lol

lmao those tires were TOAST, and i had the dunlops on it 4 or 5 days after it was in my driveway, so LOL at bobby for caring so much to remember something so small/pointless from LITERALLY 352 days ago :facepalm :rofl



lol this was much later than when you got the new tires.

you continue to prove my point that you care about me/my shit wayyyyyyyy too much. :wtf

what day was this, bob? march 22nd or 24th? i know you know… :vlad


Read the first review charles. YOu know when the first words are the worst tire ive ever owned means youve got a great performer. Ill let you know how my korean made junk tires are before you get new ones.

Ok that’s one person and they drive a BMW M3. You know what BMW owner’s are like…

Also, looking at the Tire Performance Ratings on Tirerack, the only categories your tires are better than mine in are Ride Comfort, Noise Comfort, and Treadwear. :rofl

lulz bob has his priorities straight


If the road is a little dirty the grip is really bad

good luck at mccarty ave :ohnoes

Sumitumos suck dick ok, get over it, you got shitty tires. /discussion.

“temporary until you swap” Gotcha. I could see maybe if it was like a 1 or 2 month deal, temporary isn’t 1-2 years, pal.

I never said I was on them, I thought about getting them, decided against it.

If I were you, I’d be more worried about making my car less of a slug than getting these “secret” super duper suspension dealios.

he thinks it’ll “mop shit up” at auto x

I can has better rotation? :lol

more like understeer :lol the only people that oversteered there were the T/A (massive torquez) and the mkIII poopra (massive n00b status) :rofl

Just like his “boy” “mopped shit up” running mid-high 14’s at E-town…


  1. Motor could be in by the end of the summer. Latest Early next spring
  2. When you called me out for buying junk parts i then proceeded to bring up the ebay coilovers you were “rockin”. You claimed to have them then.
  3. Why wouldnt i build my car for handling? Thats what its good at, not drag racing.
  4. Are you still on those ebay coilovers? I bet they would rock at that vette course.

HAHA early next spring, here we go!:rofl:ahh

Nope, not on ebay coilovers car is ebay free bud!, but I’ll come to the Tri-Vette event just so I could mop the floor with your car AND pull bus lengths on it to and fro’.