2009 ZR1 Video


I like. I like alot.

looks slow

that blue looks gorgeous

Yeah. Before this video i seen it in blue. I LOVE it!

What an amazing car …

ill take 2

Holy shit is that thing fast!


Badass. I don’t like the lexan window in the hood, though.


that car is just BAD ASS !

to affordable

I liked that part. :rofl: It’s a sick car though

which means its going to be hurting A LOT of exotic car drivers feelings, much worse than the z06 did


I don’t see it being under 80k.

Wow, no shit sherlock. Who ever said it’d be under 80k?

A C6Z bases at $72,125. This car has Carbon Ceramic brakes, that alone would bring it over $80k. Forget the SC’ed LS9, the extra Carbon Fiber body panels (and the $2k/gallon clear coat mix w/ special $60k/gallon additive they have on them), etc.

Yeah, it’s not going to be under $80k. Thanks for the news flash Walter Cronkite.


I don’t pay attention to the prices of high end sport cars asshat. Especially with all the Caron Fiber body parts I’m sure it will be up there in price. But why the need for Carbon Fiber, I know it reduces weight, but any accident, and your repair bill will be through the roof.

bad ass insurance coverage…duh? and i’m sure anyone buying this vehicle…will be loaded