2010/11 Toyota Camry SE

I do 30k a year in mileage (this May will be 2yrs I’ve had the car and I have already put on 46,600 miles). So yes…I did the math and difference is 2,500 a year just in fuel (if I got something that did 30+ mpg on the highway). Not to mention lower car payment (and probably lower car insurance) which is an additional grand or so. And then when you consider the fact that the car I’d get would be cheaper…(say 15k)…then I’d be saving THAT additional 5k. All said…if I had found a dealer willing to be respectful and not a bunch of lowballing douche bags…I would have been saving about $8k right off the top.

When I got the M…I had no intentions of being a wedding photographer and putting crazy miles on my car. But now that I am…it is what it is.

Regardless…don’t know why this thread is still going. Dealer(s) offered me 3k below what I owe on the car (and 6k below what the bank values the car at). I laughed and left.

If they would have offered me the same money as what I owe…I don’t see how that’s a bad deal on my part or a bad reason to pursue such a deal?

BUT…they didn’t. So the M is still here and will still be here for a long ass time as evidently every dealer on the planet is out to lowball people. I understand making a grand or two on a car…but 6 grand? Come on.

I can afford the payment and associated expenses no problem…but if I had the opportunity to lower it…wtf wouldn’t I?