2010-2011 Back to School/College Thread

My thread > yours.


Are you still at HVCC? I thought you were going somewhere else this year.

true… started first . FAIL

nope… same old shit… hopefully leaving with a piece of paper this year

yea i saw right after i posted this. oh well lol

Will be there Mon-Fri, class times vary. Can’t wait

almost went back, waited too long to sign up…oh well, guess ill miss good ol hvcc

kinda sad i won’t be there anymore, i really liked HVCC…

I also liked HVCC. Nice school and it’s nicer know with the improvements.

I’m going to be going UA this year though…starting my bachelors in IT. Doing one class during lunch and one at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

And we’re off.

What a fucking mess 787 southbound was this morning until you got past Exit 7E.

Here now, traffic was killer hahaha omg

made it at 8… In class now… All dudes and a HUGE girl. Shit blows

Also here now. Slept thru my first class. This semester is my worst yet. Even tho it’s my last. I’m here Monday-Friday 8/9 til 2. Fml!

HVCC… where it takes 6 years to get a 2 year degree. :rofl

I have my 2 yr already in crj. Just had to take another semester at the valley since Missed on on applying for ualb. :rofl

That’s me Bryan. so relax :rofl

Done with classes for the day, no traffic on a bicycle FTW.

This class is nearly half girls, since its a sophomore level class. My Monday can has win :lol

They’re fakes. RPI doesn’t have females registered for classes.

Might have to go for grad school, gonna miss all the fun!