2010-2011 Back to School/College Thread

stallmers car was a diamond in the rough in the williams lot… As expected. First day assessment has to be… 1. More attractive girls on campus than ever 2. More jersey shore people on campus than ever 3. More horribly modified cars on campus than ever. Looks like a promising semester


Can’t wait to arrive.

np homie, I might go back to get another degree and may start back at HVCC :rofl

This!! Slampigs errywhere, Im lovin it. Already put in some work with this hot chick with a sleeve, giggedy

LOL! That’s what i like to hear!

not goin to hvcc… but just got my schedule all figured out, thank fucking god

HVCC is like fish in a barrel with wimminz. Good work.

damn, i knew i shouldve signed up for this semester :frowning:

Yeah, its really effortless. The majority of guys there are either:
A. Black(who really likes them? :lol)
B. Skinny white 17yr olds
C. Superdork losers

Its a cakewalk :rofl

You stoopit

Tons of darks

There was a black cloud hanging over the campus center, as always lol


O M G, Almost needed my nightvision goggles to get to the door!

Yes! But thats where you find all the women…Williams should be changed to sausage fest. Unless you catch a class coming out of the Day Care Center =]

ugh i fucking hate that. and it doesnt help that all of my classes are there :banghead

this one makes sense though too…chris’s is HVCC specific…this one is more general…

I was very surprised when I arrived in class this afternoon. I counted 10 very good looking girls out of the 20 total students that were in attendance. Seriously, very low to minimal alcohol would have been needed to be consumed in order to slam these broads.

Unfortunately, I had to change my schedule around, so I’m no longer enrolled in that class. :rofl

I wanted to take a picture of everybody walking across the parking lot, half of the guys walking had the swag and most of the girls had that ghetto booty flappin’ thing going on.

It’s only specific to the school that I am attending. :rofl I’ve made a thread for the past 2 years or so and everyone attending college has posted in it, not just Harvard students.

Haha yep the joy of taking auto-mechanic/electronics classes. Used to love when i had my once a week math/english class near main campus. Plus the cafe in williams is garbage compared to main campus

I love pooping in Williams because there is usually never anybody in the bathroom, and there’s like 6 stalls anyway.

BTC is nice for those morning coffee drops, but I have afternoon classes so I just do that at home now.