2010 - 2011 Winter Drifting

It stays here in teh private section gents… for all of our benefit.

Hope you’re all out having a good time tonight.

i had to come in early… working in the morning + i don’t have any good spots scoped out for my new neighbourhood

i was working but heard my friends had fun here in beamsville. winter safety session season has begun it’s about time lol


anyone down in scarbz?

Niagara Square and North end Canadian tire lot and surrounding plaza loading bay areas in Niagara Falls

anyone down for tonight?

Who would have thought fwd cars can get as sideways & maintain it on on/off ramps, etc.

haha i went out last night with a few locals had a blast

yea I did a tank of gas… ENTIRE on ramps and off ramps in fwd with the e-brake ripped… i have fucking blisters

lol my car is being built right now but last night at 4 am i went to drop a buddy off and took my dads truck ( i never/ever get to drive it… he even has insurance papers for me to sign saying i would never touch it) so i was stoked… and hammed. 2wd tundra was so much fun except i almost put it into a pole (pure drunkeniss) but my buddy lives literally down the street so meh.

any progress on some stops around? wouldnt mind joining, got the genesis for the week so dont mind ripping it once and awhile hehehe

