2010 GTR to loose launch control

Nissan execs have apparently told the reporters over at Edmunds Straightline that the 2009 Nissan GT-R will be the first and last GT-R with the “launch control” system as the company is tired of dealing with the warranty nightmares that have convinced people they can’t do GT-R donuts.

Said one high-ranking exec: “It’s gone,” he said when asked if launch control would return in 2010. “We just don’t want to deal with the warranty nightmare anymore.”
Hey, but there’s a silver lining.

Said the same source, “It’ll make the 2009 GT-R really special. It’ll be the only R35 with launch control.” So remember that GT-R owners when your engine falls out of your brand new exotic car and Nissan won’t replace anything because your teenage son used launch control once in his high school’s parking lot in a misguided attempt to impress a girl in the marching band. [Edmunds: Straightline]


If they aren’t going to cover it… why have it

Nissan junk :tup:

X2 Why buy anything other than a CTS-V

Seriously! I bet if the CTS-V had launch control, it wouldn’t grenade the tranny.

I <3 launch control on my car… but i never really have a chance to use it… but it is hillarious

Awesome idea Nissan…

Now is it going to be .1 to .2 seconds slower to 60?

ehhh, I don’t agree with this at all.

Launch control was there for a reason, so that idiots that want to drive it hard won’t kick out into another car.

FS: GTR with damage done to the rear quarters.
I let my son drive it and he lost control when trying to do a burnout and he hit another car.


I bet its going to be more then that actually :mamoru:

and it will still be the slowest of the bunch lol

In a straight Line

naw the zr-1 still blows it away, straight line, curves, u name it.

No, thats what the stability control is for. Youre never supposed to turn that off. Of course the new one will have that. This just removes the super siqqqqqqq launching and trans gernading ability.

And doing a burnout in a AWD car designed to not loose traction is quite difficult.

And i meant that it is good they removed this feature. If theyre not replacing transmissions trashed from a few launches, they shouldnt have it as a feature.

But im just saying the only thing the GTR has was a amazing launch, now thats gone. And then the pricetag was solid, but that went up…

However, If you can get the car for 70k, i still think its worth it.

If you NEVER launched the car or turned off traction controll, i would assume they would replace the trans if it failed.

If you can bring your self to buy a corvette…Id still have the GTR :meh:


ZR1>CTS-V> GTR, the order of purchase for me

how much LOOSER will it be on 2010?!??!

LOL at every single thread with the letters GT-R mentioned in it turning into a ZR1 vs CTS-V vs GT-R thread…

let it go people…just let it go…