2010 necc meeting ?

So what’s up guys !
When is the first meet of 2010 ??

We are working on weather there will be meets or a club this year. We will keep you informed.

On a side note how is the 370Z?

well she is pretty good… still less than 5000 km so almost like new but on the good side intake and exhaust are coming very soon as the sun shines more and more of our days.

dang…we need to rope more people into coming to meets

ummm hello… my nissan might be rough but she is still running… drifted and all!

If anyone is not doing anything tonight, some of us are meeting at the Timmy Hoes by United Cycle at 730pm. Feel free to stop by!

lets have a meet on friday

what you want to have a saturday meet so that i can come?


i could maybe do that, we should get something planed up!

I would be open to meets on a regular basis. But the 370 won’t be woken from its slumber until mid April (and only driven if the roads are fairly clear of the debris of winter). Also, since I live 55kms west of Edmonton, weekends work better for me (rather then weekday evenings).

Did some posts get deleted from this thread over the last day or two?

Who knows. None of the old members or admin have any rights anymore. Not sure who is running the NECC part now.

a couple guys posted on the beta forum and it didnt carry over… sorry.

we’re focusing energies on fixing all the code glitches and user accounts and then itrader and some other cool features right now.

once we’re on the other side of that we can look at restoring the old permissions to mods. It’s kind of complicated though because of the forum lay-out as you can imagine. Rest assured, i have no allusions about trying to grow an alberta based club from Ontario. It has to be managed by dudes out there.

I am in Calgary and Red Deer for work on occassion throughout the year, i’ll be in touch if possible.

So have we decided when the first car meet will be??

Given the weather this wek end possibly anyone game. I have my replacement for the 350 sitting in teh garage. Oh by the way the 350 sold to a guy in Sask.

LAME… I wanted your car.

As for the meet anyone want to organize it?

Should probably wait to see who all made it over and/or of there are any other Alberta Nissan members that had a meet scheduled.

You should have bought it then!!!
Looks like it’s going to be alot of unofficail meets i think

i cant meet this weekend, make it next weekend!

I’m glad your car went out of province! Still choked about the timing lol or i would have bought yours. At least it wont bother me seeing it cruise around

Anyone up for a meet? Let’s work on getting together at the end of the month. Should give peeps enough time to wake up their sleeping beauties and come out for a cruise. Two choices would be either the weekend of the 27th which is next week, or we could do the 3rd, which is two weeks away. I’m anxious to get the ball rolling this season so we can hopefully get our “new club” on it’s feet and attracting some interest. Let’s use this thread to communicate and organize things. Feel free to post up comments or suggestions. I still have a copy of our old cruise route from the NECC so we could use that or if anyone has some better routes please speak up.

I do not have permission to post new threads, so until that issue is resolved I’ll post here. I’ll start a new thread as soon as I am able to do so.