2010 Pullied CTS-V vs. 30R Coupe

uhm, no offense…but at what point where u reelin him? looked like he was still pullin you when he let off…? or maybe im just blind? good run tho

Good run but I agree ^. If anything it looked like he was pulling you before the breaks were hit.


Well if anyone has contact to this guy, set something up so I can show him my taillights.

thats kinda what I was thinking…though he may have jumped… looks like he lifted to me… which was very weak ! Which, in your favor begs the question, why would he lift.

I gave him the jump…I pointed telling him to go and as soon as he jumped I took off. I’d love to get another run with him.

or you can just put me in his place instead :wink:



idk it seemed at the end joe was starting to pull and by then ctsv was braking