2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

if all goes as planned…

zeee oh six from a roll
smokin off spray, roll
underboosted from a roll/dig
and i gotta throw wayne in the bunch for a little fun :wink:
and who ever else wants in idc its all in good fun

^ yep sure thing boss :rolleyes


Well in that case…

I want to race…

All of Cossey’s cars
smokinss on spray
Delouche bag’s slow civic
white ruben from a dig
and any other car that will destroy mine

how do u know all of them will destroy me? and if thats the case itll just make me wanna go bigger,i really dont give two flying fucks if i get beat

wow i feel loved guys

fuckk alllllllll of youuuuuuuuuu

i know ill get my ass handed to me,but ill do a dig for shits and giggles

:rofl at last few posts

Creep Cryan

um why would ya get your ass kicked ? i didnt do much to the car over the winter:wierd

well we know each others setups so only time will tell

ya need to get the car first kid ,then start benchin lololololololol

thats y i said if all goes as planned

besides my car is about the same as it was last yr

The loud pedal… get off it

a turd? that doesnt like spray lol

yeah thats it ,christ travis even liked the way the car ran .fuck you have rankin help ya now

the only time i rode in it last year was when we were playing with mack and she was hatin life when u sprayed,i havent been on a nitrous run yet this yr

yeah cause my t.p.s was flippin out thats all fixed now

okok ill race ya 0-180