2010 ski trip - LMAO

7 feet in 7 days? Not bad.:carnut:

I was just there last week… Didn’t get a chance to ride at all though. Going back in ~ 2 weeks with all my gear… can’t wait!!!

^You didn’t go last week?!?!? That is when it was dumping! You do anything humanly possible to get out at that point. FACESHOTS!

inexcusable…I’ve seen so many pics and videos of people skiing powder last week in SLC, so jealous

I was stuck at work all day… by the time I got out the only thing open was Brighton. Plus when I went out the conditions sucked… they got good while I was there! Trust me, I was bumming.


I’m going back in 2 weeks… the only thing I have to pay for is my lift tickets, and 2 days cheap hotel & 2 days cheap rental car; the rest is all on Moog!

I’m gonna be out there for a week of work, and a weekend of play.

^You there now? Solitude is up to 272"!!!

Check this out, my buddy said our SUV is going to cost $900 for the week. We could rent 5 Chevy Aveos for $610. WTF? LOL. I think we should rent the 5 clown cars and get the extra insurance for any “accidental” damage.:eekdance:

I’m leaving Monday the 15th; and coming home Sunday the 21st. Booked my tickets yesterday.

The only issue with the clown cars is that if they get a good snow you won’t be allowed to drive to some of the resorts until they get it cleared. 4wd or chains are required if the weather comes in to go through the canyons. That’s why they charge a TON for SUVs.

I’m just getting a mid-size as that’s what my company pays for… I’m going to be riding probably 2 or 3 nights at Brighton; and I’m gonna hit Park City on Saturday.

Maybe I will just buy a quattro out there and drive it home. lol

What if you weld two clown cars together to make 4WD?

^Does insurance cover weld spatter?

I just remembered I have a set of chains I bought on my honeymoon, I could take them with me.

(After reading that I laughed a little)

Where’s your cabin/chalet in relationship to the resorts? If it’s right on site or near by I’d just get whatever. Or reserve whatever and bargin with the place when u get there. A lot of times they will upgrade and deal with you on-site.

Ok… Boarding out here ROCKS!!! I went to Brighton last night for night skiing… take the best day ever at Holiday and that’s a “eh” day here! It was unbelieveable.

The only issue I had was the altitude just crushed me. I could make 2-3 runs before I had to stop and take a few minute break to catch my breath and get some oxygen into my legs.

As for a car rental… reserve a Full Size, and see what they’ll do for an upgrade once you get to the counter. Hertz gave me a free upgrade to a Subaru Outback from a full-size; they consider an outback an small suv and normally charge more.

Looks like I’m going to be out here when you guys are too. I’m flying home Sunday, then flying back out here in a week; So I’ll be here the 1st week. Although I’m not sure how much riding I can do during the week.

Nice! I am glad to hear someone else verify what I have been saying, “You CAN NOT compare east to west skiing/riding.”
Yeah the altitude will definately kick ass. Breckenridge Co. killed me at 13,000’!
Plus you are just not used to looooooong, steep runs when you live in WNY, your legs will burn out there. lol

I didn’t even think about Suby.:tup:

Another week out there and you won’t want to come home. lol
Maybe we could meet up at some point.

I’m gonna be out here a lot for the next 2 months… Was told that on this trip. I get a company Amex next week when I’m home.

Yea, for sure. What dates are you going to be out here exactly?


Nice. Yea, Only time we’d be able to meet up would be at Brighton then one night. They’re the only place that does nights out here and I can’t take a day off during the week. I normally stay the weekend after; so I fly out here on a Monday, then fly home Sunday.

My plan for the rest of my trips is to spend 2 nights at Brighton, and then Saturday at one of the large resorts.

What places are you guys going to hit up? Everyone basically says, Snowbird, Solitude, (Alta if you’re a skier, no snowboards allowed), Caynons, and Park City.


Edit:^yeah right? You don’t get that at KB or HiV. lol

Definately Solitude, Snowbird and Alta. Park City if you like groomers. Deer Valley if you like being pampered. Last time I went to Deer Valley they had an incredible seafood buffet and the lodge, etc is top notch. I think they will carry your skis and give you a blanket on the chairlift too. lol

I am sure we will be tearing it up at night too. Well, we may not be going to any raves but we have years of practice drinking. :slight_smile:

I’m not allowed at Alta or Deer Valley! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m one of those damn snowboarders!!!