2012 NFL Season

Figured since tonight is the first game of the season why not.


Edit: Fuck the cowboys

go pack go.


Vikes fan checking in :facepalm

Did join a fantasy league with some guys from the job, that should at least make Sundays a bit more interesting. I could really care less about my team at this point. I just like watching games.

Two hours til kick off!!!

I hope the pop-warner referee crew doesn’t screw it up :lol

Already tired of the refs. Need the real ones back.

tonights game would be cool if Eli Manning broke his leg and the Cowboy’s lost lol.

or, Romo breaks a leg and the Giants lose.


Or if every QB broke their leg except for Cam Newton and Roethlisburger.

… Not that they’re on my fantasy team or anything.


Im in a few fantasy leagues, some money, some play. Also in a suicide pool with 1 shared entry and one on my own. The prize pool for that one last year was $200k+, not sure how the break down went but god damn thats a nice chunk of change

Let’s go giants

They need to get some momentum going

Yeah they are a second half team, they def need to wake up though

This. Looking forward to a redeeming season and a run right through the playoffs.

Gonna be a long season for the Jets me thinks. 7-9. 8-8 at best.

Still lol-ing over the giddy cowgirl fans and their week 1 victory.

I like the Dolphins so ill just say better luck next season now.

Webster played great last night.

Idk if the Jets looked good or if they were just lucky today haha