New York Jets

Anyone here a fan or are you all Giants fans (or fans of other teams)?

The defense pulled it out today. Sanchez isn’t doing bad for a rookie QB. This team is definitely better than any Jets team I’ve ever witnessed. Rex Ryan has made an impact, however small it may be.

Jets are a flash in the pan, brother.

You’ll finish up 8 - 8 as always.

Umm…Brady is no longer that great. He’s still good, no doubt, but he’s not the ELITE QB he was 2 years ago. The NFL has figured out how to beat him. Hit him. The Giants proved it, and the Jets did last week.

The Jets will be 10-6 this year. Sanchez will make mistakes, which is why they will be 10-6. If they can keep this team together for the most part (meaning, retain Washington/Jones), and with Sanchez’ growth…I see them vying for the AFC East title for many years to come. Harris, Ferguson, Rhodes, Revis, Washington, Keller, Sanchez, Mangold, Leonard are a very good group of very young players.

The Pats window is closing. You guys should have kept your defense in tact. The Pats are in the same boat as the Celtics. They have a yr or two to hope and pull some magic trick out of their hats before the window slams shut on them. But hey, every good thing must come to an end. The Jets are just getting started.

Brady is still rusty from his injury. It happens to all the injures greats. The jets will go no better than 9-7 this year. IMO they have played no teams that are considered a test. I guaruntee you they play a better new england team later this season. I do agree that this is the best ive seen the jets play since ive been watching football however a season is 16 games long not 3. You cannot tell how well they will play automatically only make predictions.

That is the beauty of predictions.

They haven’t played any good teams?

Houston - 3rd best offense ALL of last year and their roster hasn’t changed much
New England - Perennial power coming off a big win against Buffalo and fired up by the Jet’s trash talking - got completely schooled.
Tennessee - 10-0 to start last year. Same team pretty much, with a good new addition in Kenny Britt.

Umm…those three teams are pretty damn good. The beginning of the Jet’s schedule is actually toughest. Once we get to the Buffalo’s and Miami’s, I don’t see the Jets having much problems as those teams don’t have the O-Lines of Tennessee (one of the best in the league) and NE (a group that’s been together a while. Jenkins, Pace (who hasn’t even played yet), Scott, and Ellis are going to terrorize those teams.

Regardless of whether or not the Jets get the AFC East…I think at least a wild card birth is 100% possible. That should be this seasons mission. To make the playoffs. Then build off of that next year. Then again, if the Jets are 8-3 like last year and everyone is healthy, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made the AFC Championship game or maybe even beyond.

But like you said, it’s hard to judge on limited evidence. However, these last three weeks, they’ve been playing extremely well. The Defense pulled the Offense out of it’s hole today, which is what good teams do.

Jets are playing possessed, im a Giants fan but im very impressed with the way the Jets have played this year. They have played 3 good teams and beat all of them. Sanchez is playing very well for a rookie. There defense is playing great. They are going to have a good year? How good? well see

Did u really just say Tom Brady isn’t that good? And how deep are the jets when someone gets hurt at ANY Position?

No, I did not say that. I said he’s not elite good. He’s good, better than Sanchez by far, but he doesn’t near-guarantee a win for NE like he used to. Him and Moss ain’t gettin any younger. And without Welker, he loses a BIG target of his.

Honestly, I’ve never seen a QB more scared than Brady was during the Jets game. Remember that one Cotchery TD that was called back because he didn’t have his feet in bounds. When they first said it was a TD, Brady looked like he was going to run into the locker room and cry to Gisele.

The Jets played Houston with Matt Schaub playing on 1 foot…and Houston just lost @ home to Jax…so don’t put too much confidence in that win.

New England is struggling to find any rythm on offense with the several new pieces put in place and Brady trying to get his mojo back after missing all of last season. The Patriots should be 1-2 but Buffalo doesn’t know how to take a knee.

Tennessee is 0-3…what are you bragging about? Sure, they lost @ Pittsburgh (1-2), to Houston (1-2) and now to the Jets. So before playing the Jets they lost to 2 teams that have won a combine 2 games. Again…hooray.

The Jets, while looking impressive no doubt, still have to prove they can play an entire season and just just a few weeks worth. They’ve struggled mightily in the past to try to keep things together. Even when they have kept it together somewhat they’ve made quick playoff exits. A bit early to be getting excited about Jets football IMO.

What’s the point of being a fan of a team if you can’t excited about the season they are having?

So I’m supposed to be depressed that my team is 3-0 until say, they get to week 10 and and are 7-3? lol. Right.

Regardless of how they finish, this Jets team is different from last years team in how they play and their attitude. It’s a winning attitude. That’s a start already. And like I said, my expectation from this team is a wild card birth. If you guys think that the Jets aren’t going to be in the wild card race, then I think you need to watch some more football…and not just the highlights.

^^ Darrell Revis interview

Mangini + Favre getting injured was the reason why the Jets collapsed last year I think.

I thought you went to church on Sundays? Where do you find time to watch the 1 o’clock Jets game? Sinner!


I didn’t say not to be excited, I simply stated that they don’t have the overly impressive wins that you would lead us to believe that they have. The games they’ve won (aside from Houston who didn’t show up in week 1) could have gone either way. They didn’t dominate either game. That being said, its the good teams that find a way to win when they don’t dominate. IE the Colts last week vs the Dolphins when they had the ball for like 3 minutes total in the game.


And didn’t dominate? That’s why I said people need to watch more of the actual game than the highlights.

Quarter 1 and Quarter 4 - COMPLETE domination yesterday.

The consistent pressure on Brady and locking down of Moss - I’d call that domination. Brady got hit like 15 times. That’s a LOT.

The fact that every receiver who’s against Revis having a crappy day is good too. What did Johnson do the week after playing the Jets? Explode for like 140 yards and 2 TD’s. Revis alone makes our secondary formidable. Dude is as lock down as lock down gets.

The Jet’s offense isn’t what I’m super excited about. It was stale yesterday, and with a rookie QB, it’s going to have it’s moments where it looks bad. The defense though, is one of the best in the league, all ready. And that’s without Calvin Pace, who’s supposed to be our best pass rusher.

No, they didn’t dominate.

You can’t ‘dominate’ a game by ‘dominating’ 2 quarters of football. The Titans took a 17-14 lead into the late stages in the game until the Jets got it back together. That is not domination by any definition of the word.

Brady getting hit a lot doesn’t factor into how a game is being played. BOTH defenses played very well in that game and the Jets could NOT put the Pats away. The game was very close throughout.

Revis is a great corner, no doubt. Harris is one of my favorite linebackers as he is from the U of Michigan which I worship. Ryan is a great D mastermind and has put together a solid defense. Revis is a top 5 corner, but is still behind the likes of N. Ashomunga and Champ.

No one said anything about dominating an entire game (at least I didn’t). Fact of the matter is, the Jets dominated both games when it mattered (4th Quarter). They stopped Brady on his last two drives, and then Harris picked and sacked Collins on his last two I believe. Every team is going to have issues or moments where they become stale. This happened yesterday in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. But the sign of a good defense is when they can pick it back up and close a team out.

Anyway…just sayin. Jets will be in the playoffs (most likely as a wild card if anything) this year. Believe it if you want. Or don’t. Doesn’t matter to me. The Jets went 8-3 LAST year before injuries and coaching payed a toll. This coach is better, and the QB is 21 not 81. Not to mention the Defense is easily better than last year. I don’t see why the Jets can’t go 10-6.

Pats went 11-5 last year and still missed the playoffs…just throwing that out there.

This year isn’t last year. There is no guarantee that the teams that made it last year (such as Miami) will make it again. There is also no guarantee that the teams that DIDN’T make it last year (NE and NYJ) won’t make it because they didn’t make it the year before.

Miami is 0-3 for example. Tenn. is 0-3.

Didn’t watch the Jets game, but watched the Bills game.

Our defense shut down N.O. for pretty much 3 full quarters. Our offense fucking blew though and N.O. eventually wore down our D. But hey, Brees didn’t get a single TD throw when he got 9 in the 2 prior games.

i put no stock in celtic’s criticism as he is a detroit lions fan. /sarcasm.

Im glad to see another pats fan. I have been keeping my mouth shut on this forum because EVERYONE seems to be a Giants fan…

This thread is about the Jets. Not the Pats, not the Bills, not the Lions, etc. If you want a place to throw around praise for your Patsies, please make your own thread. :).

Seems like I’m the only Jets fan on this forum. What do you know? I’m becoming the only one in a lot of different things. lol.