New York Jets

I figured this implied that this thread is about more than just the Jets.

^ + eleventy billion

ive been a jets fan since the ken o’brien era. however, i will root for the giants or pretty much anybody playing against boston…fuck the pats too…

Nah…I was just asking if I was the only fan of the Jets here. It wasn’t implying that this is a thread for everyone.

If it was, I would have called it “The Official NFL Football Thread”.

Speaking of which, why the hell do we NOT have a Sports sub forum under Off-Topic?

+1. I rooted for the Giants as if they were my team when they were playing against the Pats in the SB. I hate Bill Belichik and how he acts a coach. Cold shoulders when he gets beat (ex: look-away handshake with Rex Ryan in week 2) are just funny and sad. Guy is a loser. I don’t care if he’s got a great football mind. He’s a sore loser.

My cousin is a HUGE Jets fan…but has not signed up for Shift yet…

Mark Sanchez is the first rookie QB ever to start 3-0. The Jets are very impressive this year so far.

Hell yeah, thats because when Drew Brees has to step out of that stupid dome they play there games in he turns into a normal QB.

I don’ tknow…Drew Brees looked pretty good @ Philly in Wk 2 and they don’t play in a dome ‘o’ matic.

Ok and he looked pretty average in week 3 at buffalo.

Even Michael Jordan looked average on a lot of nights :slight_smile:

Please dont compare Michael Jordan and Drew Brees.

Let’s stick to the Jets people…

Would Kobe Bryant or LeBron James have been better? Any way you shake it you know what I mean :slight_smile: Brees has been ‘the’ QB of the past few seasons as far as yards and accuracy. He was only rivaled by Brady pre-injury who has a TON more talent around him than Brees does. Brees throws to guys that were never any good until they played with him :slight_smile:

Church called, they’re looking for you.

Peyton Manning has been the QB for years, and still is. He has great stats, and he even wins games form time to time, unlike Brees. Brees is a good QB, id rather have a QB that wins though. Brees has played for quite a few years, I cant think of one big drive or big win he has had EVER. If im playing fantasy football ill take Brees, otherwise id rather have a QB that wins games.

Great attempt but you are full of fail.

yeah churches dont have phones.:number1:ahh

^^ what?

Travis and Celtic…stick to the Jets, or fuck off. Simple as that.

This thread is about the JETS, not Brees, not church, etc.

If you’re going by wins, or big wins…you should want Kurt Warner or Tom Brady. Peyton would have to take a back seat to them in that category :slight_smile: Warner has won a SB MVP and has been there more times than Peyton, and we all know Bradys credentials. I was basing my opinion on what Brees has done with what he’s been given. If he had the weapons that those 3 guys were surrounded with I’m sure the story would have a different ending.