New York Jets

im a bengals fan. fuck the pats, jets, browns and steelers!.. everyone else is ok… except detroit… they are a scourge put upon this earth to laugh at perrennially.

The Lions are on the up and up. Besides, the Buccs are still the blueprint for futility as they hold the record for 26 straight losses. Det only racked up 19. So there!

the bucs 26 straight were in their first 2 years of existance… the lions have been around a bit and to sink to that level of play shows the true level of incompetence ranging from ownership to management right down to the field.

but yeah… im a bengals fan so i should quit while im ahead. HOWEVER had it not been for ONE lucky bounce the orange and black would be 3-0 as well. carson palmer will lead us to the promised land for the first time since 1989 and boomer esiason!!!

I, a Jets fan, will give credit where credit is due. The Saints are for real. I see them vying for a place in the Superbowl because they have the best, in my opinion, QB in the game right now (although he looked typical today…didn’t do that much damage - sorry fantasy owners of him). I however, also see the Jets getting the AFC East championship and POSSIBLY making the AFC Championship game. However, that is only…ONLY…if Sanchez and the offense can get it together. The Jets defense is dominant. They allowed a 40ppg offense only 10 points (3 for most of the game). That’s impressive. Sanchez is a rookie. He is going to make his mistakes. Although I was hoping the Jets would pull it out when it was 17-10, I can’t say I’m too disappointed with the effort. We are definitely a better team than last year and will only continue to get better (if everyone stays healthy). Also, I can’t wait for Pace to comeback next week.

Regardless, congrats Saints fans (if there is any hear). NO needs a team like this (and hopefully the Hornets) to keep the city’s spirits up and continue the rebuilding of NO in an emotional perspective. That team is good.

Saints are a dome team, if they are going to make it far in the playoffs they need to get the 1 seed. If they can get all home playoff games they could be scary. I dont see them having to go to Philly or NY (if they make it that far) and winning in the elements. The Saints defense is very average, and every aspect of there team will be exposed if they have to play in shitty weather in the playoffs. Saints offense is awesome, Jets defense did a good job today, too bad Sanchez had those turnovers, live and learn, hell get better from this game.

Since my team, the seahawks, are never on tv, the jets are my new york team.

seahawks! i use them in a money 32 man online franchise on madden! They need to get the green jerseys on there

Haha… good luck to you man, I love my team to death but they are horrrrrible in madden

edit: Green jerseys are atrocious

I know we played a team that wasn’t playing for much, and that they pulled their starters eventually…

But am I the only one who likes NYJ’s chances against Cincy next weekend? We man handled them with pretty much their entire regular team on the field in the first half.

The Jets running game and defense are ridunkulous. They got (to quote E. Smith) DE-BACKLED! :excited

jets fan all the way!!!

Its good to see this team with some young players and a new head coach get very valuable playoff experience. Revis is nasty hes going to have a great career he could cover anyone


oo and as a jets fan i would like to thank santa for our late christmas gift of gettin in the playoffs. it was nice playing jv teams for two weeks.

yea i forgot to thank santa for that also lol

We were up in both games with their starters in…that has to mean something.

And yes, Revis is NASTY. No one has gotten one over on him other than Ted Ginn on that one deep pass in that crazy game a few weeks ago.

This team has a lot to build on (to work with) with their young talent (Smith, Cotchery, Sanchez, Green, Revis, Mangold, Ferguson, etc.)

yes we were up and played solid games. but it is nice playing 2nd string later in the game.

True. But hey, you do what you can. We aren’t exactly the same team that started 4-1. We’re missing two HUGE parts of our team (Washington and Jenkins).

very very true. and i must say its our defence that forced them to pull their qbs. #1 overall defense after all.

Which matchup do we face if we beat Cincy?

Chargers if the Ravens beat the Pats, Colts if the Pats beat the Ravens

if the jets win the superbowl, i will give JVG a blowj…and dont get ur damn hopes up