New York Jets

quoted for when miracle happens.

if it happens im SOL lol… i love the jets but i just dont think we have the team to make it all the way, but we’ll see im hopin we do

I don’t think we’ll be getting to the Superbowl. Personally, the season is already a 100% success. We made it to the playoffs with a rookie coach and QB. That’s all I was looking for out of this season. Now we just need to build on it whether we win this week or not.

Next year, get Jenkins and Washington back and hopefully not have any injuries to any star players and we’ll be even better.

You have to imagine Revis, Harris, Green, Smith, Cotchery are only going to improve (although Revis might not have anywhere to go as he’s damn awesome).

The Jets need to resign Braylon Edwards.

Just read…

Thomas Jones wasn’t voted into the pro-bowl? After being the 2nd best rusher in the AFC? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? What a snub.

4.2 avg, 1,402 yards and 14 TD’s. And only two fumbles.

Ridiculous. He was beat out by Jones-Drew (JAC) and Rice (BAL).

don’t forget Leonhard, and Feely when he is on kickoff :wink:

I like Leonhard. He’s scrappy and gets the job done no matter what. Impressive for a guy so undersized to make such an impact. I’m sure he had a ALOT to do with this defense getting ‘instilled’/‘installed’ so fast during the coaching change (along with Scott and Douglas).


how bout them jets?!?!?!?!?!

Nice win by the Jets, I had picked them to win. In the playoffs if you can run and play D you can beat anyone, if they can get another nice game by Sanchez look out.

WTF. I decline in advance in case it happens

On another note. This game was proof that if Sanchez doesnt turn the ball over, which will become more regular with experience, he Jets are going to be a tough team to face. Great game good win. Valuable experience these guys are getting

Brady is a fag, I hope Suggs or Lewis get a few shots at him to make up for the bs penalties called last time.

I think the Jets have a chance against anybody is they can keep the turnovers to a minimum. Man, I wish we had Kris Jenkins and Leon Washington still.

Yeah a ton of teams have to deal with injuries though, its getting through them that show how good a team is, which the jets have done. Man if the Jets and the Ravens won this week that would be sick. As big of a Giants fan as i am, closing down Giants Stadium with the Jets playing for a chance to go to the Super Bowl would be awesome. Of course thats asking alot but anything can happen, especially with 2 teams who have awesome defenses and can run the ball.


I think Baltimore has a chance to beat Indy because they played them tough earlier in the season (although that was earlier in the season lol).

And I think we can beat SD because although they’ve won 11 straight, LT is no longer the LT of the past. And Sproles? He’s good for 1 big play a game and that’s about it now. He was there Leon Washington last year.

I think we can beat SD. I’m glad we got SD instead of Indy. I wouldn’t wanna face Manning in the 4th Quarter. Although either game would have been warm (indoor vs SoCal), so Sanchez would be more comfortable.

The Chrgers arent really a running team anymore they throw the ball a ton. Im sure Revis will shutdown Vincent Jackson. The 2 guys the jets need to worry about are Sproles and Gates. If they can limit the big plays they will be fine IMO.

Well it sounds like this Jets D is focused on one thing, winning. So I hope that helps.

But hey, if they lose. That’s okay. This season was already a success. Make the playoffs with a rookie QB and rookie HC. I’m happy.


If we do happen to win it all. Theres no way in hell I will not be attending the championship parade in NYC.

Yeah they turned the game around quick! Nice to see, even though its not my team

Great job by the Jets. No matter how much the passing game evolves, and big plays are the plays we see in highlights a great running game and defense will always work

Jets vs. Vikings