New York Jets

Dont see that happening…Colts most likely will destroy the jets next week…Saints Vs Colts.

get the fuck outa this thread… J E T S JETS JETS JETS!!! fuck yea baby good game all around.

McFlurrys face gonna look like Yettis Avatar after giving JVG that blowjob!

thats what they said about the chargers and the jets…

Chargers didnt seem to bring all they had. Im just saying that if the jets make it I will be supprised. Wouldnt mind seeing them win it though.

Yeah baby!

excuses, excuses. the chargers brought everything they had. why wouldnt they?

Definitely excuses.

It’s like the Cowboys fans who are crying right now about Minnesota ‘running up the score’. You’re in the NFL, you get paid to stop a team from scoring. If you can’t, that’s you’re fault.

Same for the Chargers. You get paid to stop the Jets. You didn’t. You go home. Didn’t bring it? Too bad. You’re going home. The Jets didn’t even play a perfect game. If they played the way they played in Cincinnati, this game would have been over at half-time.

Didnt bring all they had? wtf? this is proffessional sports, you dont come out, at home in a playoff game and not bring all you have. The Jets were way to physical for the Chargers, they wanted no part of the Jets.

relax guy. I am not hating on the jets. Just sayin…

im pretty sure i was the most relaxed out of the last three replies…

I actually was shooting for the jets to win. Just sharing my .02 with next weeks game

I still don’t understand how Revis isn’t DPoY. He shut down yet ANOTHER reciever(s) yesterday.

No one has yet to get over 35 yards on him (might have more in the game, but not against Revis). Woodson has been thrown at much more often, has more yards against him, and isn’t as good as Revis.

Can’t believe it.

i wouldnt mind seeing the 40yr vs the rookie in the superbowl!


:lol thats good

for the record if the Jets win the superbowl I am passing off McFlurreys BJ on to Cossey.

:rofl give it to brew… he does like men after all

figured id drop this here if they seem to make it to the bowl!

so the saints have a gay song… i dont know y that belongs in this thread but it does make me hate the saints…