2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

How do you think laws are made? Most of the time they are made due to the extreme possibilities. Look at just about every law on the books and ask if the majority of population will go as far as breaking it? Answer will be no. More often than not laws attempt to weed out and prevent the extremes.

In those discussions “what if” determines the language of what gets written on the books.

Edit: point is, these “extremes” are covered under 2A unless you agree that it’s not absolute and some limits should be enforced. Once that happens your proverbial slippery slope occurs and people start determining how far it will be limited.

If you’re OK with the extremes than I absolutely see your point of protecting 2A unconditionally, however most people gun owners are not are not OK with the extremes especially when it could be happening right next to you. Just as well as most people arent OK with mentally unstable people owning guns and being at a shooting range right next to you. Or in public next to you with your wife and kids.