2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

It will probably be a mirror of the '94 ban.

Fuck it, pass it. I’m sick of looking at ARs. I want to see some new platforms introduced.

like a mini handheld scud missile launcher !! :slight_smile:

fuck that, I like my AR’s

if they pass this i will have to sue the feds. i have to defend myself from this stuff legally.

also if they take my guns or i have to turn them in they better have gold or silver to trade for them. i have too much invested

also check out ny s1422-2013

also if you havent heard of this yet a connectict cop went public that this school shooting was a hoax to help pass the bills to take our rights away.

just like vlad said all these guns he had were legal. so why ban?

a piece of paper doesnt stop the bad guys just the good guys.

ooo and if they do take my guns ill be forced to make my own for protection and my right as a american.

i have a bunch of blueprints for every gun on the ban list. i am confident that i could make any gun with the right machine and materials.

i need magizine blue prints. esp round drums

join a local militia. start talking about how you feel, online or the news. also stockpile machine bits and metal along with food water and gun supplies. before they get banned

because if guns kill people cnc machines make full autos. they will ban metal and fabrication tools. i know i can make any gun. and theres guys on this fourm who have way more machining skills than me.

everyone i know has been. let them know that its ilegal and you will have no choice but to defend your self.

We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.-Ronald Reagan

sorry to sound like a dick here. (not towards you but towards society itself)

I hope these moronic overpaid political douchebags behind the bans get their homes broken into, get held up at a bank waiting in line, shot in a drive by gang shooting cross fire, or picked off at one by one walking down the street from some every day redneck looking motherfucker with a plain old Remington 30-06.

FINALLY ONCE AND FOR ALL proving its not the fucking gun type, look, feel, name or any of this absolute bullshit points they have behind the bans that is what is doing the harm in society.

Fuck um all. Let them ban everything but a god damn .22 plinking gun… what happens when some kid runs into school and shoots up the place with a fucking $50 10-22 and a $8 box of 250 rounds???

god damn joke this government is

I would give every penny I have, make, and would make in the future to see you or someone with that view ACTUALLY PUT THAT INTO PLAY. Without a doubt what you just said in 30 seconds, if that was actually put into place in this country, would make a real difference.

  • rep

i said to my grandfather today , what happens when someone go to a bank , school , mall , heavily populated area and uses a bolt action hunting rifle . and then reloads after using all 5 rounds . Then ban everything.

Honest question, and JUST a question. If the government and or LEO’s came knocking on your door for YOUR weapons, what would you do? Would you hand them over? Lie? Start a fight? What if these LEO’s were the people who said “it doesn’t matter to me”, and where just “doing their job”?

If the confiscation of personal firearms and or destruction of the 2nd amendment DID actually happen and it led to civil war, what would you do? Would you take up arms against the current regime? Would you get the hell out of dodge? Or would you comply?

EDIT: This is a question I’ve honestly asked myself. And I would like to think I would do what it would take to fight to preserve the constitution and what it meant to me.

Prove I own any firearms.
How do you know I didnt sell them all? Cash transaction, gun registration doesnt exist in VT, no bill of sale, so go fuck off.

I wouldnt post on here whatd i do…lol

In the internet age it would be impossible to keep the ongoing attempt at confiscation a secret for more than 5 minutes after it starts. How are you going to search every house in the whole country in 5 minutes?

Legally since I have a pistol permit there are certain firearms that they can prove I own.(unless they were stolen/lost and reported) As far as the other weapons prove that I have them. This is a silly arguement to have, because at the end of the day it’s almost unthinkable that police would go door to door siezing firearms. Even if they did would you really be alright with attempting to end a LEOs life to prove a point. Civil disobidience and resistance I’m for, but I draw the line a violent action.

probably a smart idea

I dont know what I would do as a civilian, but I know for a fact if I was a cop and was asked to go around and seize weapons I would refuse and or quit if necessary. All it takes is one crazy asshole to turn it into a gun fight. not worth the risk.

I know in the military I’ve sworn to uphold the constitution so I wouldn’t be allowed to follow those orders. I’m pretty sure they swear an oath to uphold the constitution as well as police officers. By seizing the weapons I think that would be a breach of that oath and should be grounds for a dishonorable discharge.

Constitution has a lottttt of gray area

This is good. It’s purely a hypothetical situation. I’m just interested in hearing thoughts is all.

the problem with that is the people giving the orders are the people who are ignoring the constitution to begin with.

I think the LEOs would do it. I don’t think there is enough sack left in this country for anyone to make a real stand and risk losing there job / livelyhood.

Everyone is too worried about their next iPad and what kind of skinny jeans they’re gonna wear… There’s nothing left but vanity here.

If there were to be some sort of legislation passed to remove guns from households/citizens I would flip the fuck out… and I don’t even have an interest in guns/firearms!

Anyone notice a lack of funny farms lately? Wonder where all the crazies are living these days…