2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Sooooooo true, trying to break myself and my family away from that and I have already started to feel better about everything in my life.

new age kids, i wouldn’t count on them, all they care about is the new iphone, they’ve been given everything their whole life, the constitiution is meanless to them on a personal level.

However, think of all the war vets still alive. the 50+ year olds, i believe, would without a doubt take a stand, they wouldn’t let something like that happen

Two words…shovel ak. Doo eet


“America has an asshole problem”

agreed. a good percentage of LEO would be all for it. there are plenty of LEO that feel we shouldnt have guns.

what happens to society when a bunch of actors go on tv and say bad things on the news? all hell could break loose. they could say this person is to blame or this object is to blame and the majority will believe this.

tv can change someones mind to believe certain things. if you see that a gun caused this problem (which it did not) and watch it on tv you will probally believe its the guns fault like most of the sheep.

you see the tv is not for relaxing like we believe. look at north korea and watch whats on their tvs. its a bit easier to see the brain washing when it effects others. but when it comes to ourselfs its hard to see. but the way you act or the things you do might be because of tv or an advertisement.

ill ask you guys this, try to think in a dark room with no sound and ask yourself whats more important the newest episode of the news or your family and the ones around you.

if you spend 1hr a day watching tv chances are you wasted 1hr a day. i bet you would be happier if you were not addicted to tv. try it out and wein yourself from the tv.

just some on topic rambles. the only reason the gun ban blew up was fromm a tv

So let me get this straight.

You’re saying physical items such as guns aren’t the problem, due to personal responsibility.

However you’re blaming the TV for what people think? So spoons make you fat?

People will watch and hear whatever supports their natural bias. Whether it be newspapers, internet, TV or friends.

And don’t get this twisted, people are talking about this issue because there are about 20 dead kids out there.

Have any bills actually passed so far?

I’m actually surprised you didn’t bring up the Katrina event of gun confiscation by cops from the owners…

there’s no such thing as natural bias you idiot. you get that shit from how your raised and what you SEE.

Sometimes I think pitman huffs too much gunpowder.

sniffing gunpowder is fine but only if you cut it with cocaine. safety first

Because folks like you keep dumping gray paint on it


  • rep buddy

Oh yeah? Please tell me what the right to a “speedy” trial is? Do you know the amount of time that is? Yah, people like me really caused that gray area.

Wait hold on, we all have free speech right? Why can’t I yell fire in a theater?

Murr, u sure is a silly puppy.

Its otay…Go play

It’s all gonna be fine.

haha great comeback, not surprised


Those 2 examples have no relation to what they are trying to do to limit or outlaw firearms ownership.

2nd amendment
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Law makers have already taken similar latitude with what you infered above by restricting handgun ownership to permit status along with all of the other BS regs NYS has passed. The simple fact is they are going too far and while none of this violence has taken place here if they try and implement Cuomos plan you will see some cases of LEOs and civilians being killed as a result of somebody holding their constitutional right in higher regard then some jackass politicians laws.

My original comment was that the constitution has a lot of gray area, I never said anything about banning weapons, so I’m not sure what your talking about.

The entire thread is about a proposed ban of a certain kind of weapon.

While there is a slight amount of leway with the 2 examples you used only one is about an infringement on a citizens rights. The speedy trial bit is so that somebody can’t be arrested charged and then sit in jail for years with no trial scheduled. The part about not screaming fire in a movie threatre is about not inciting panic in a crowd where somebody could be hurt as a result. Both are logical changes and neither should be used to try and draw a parallel to whether or not this stupid proposed ban should be enacted.