2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Again… my comment was made towards a comment made by mike, you’re taking it out of context.

While I still believe that this specific law proposition is silly…

An attempt to remove certain guns from the population has a lot more merit and history of damage than outlawing something as yelling fire in a crowded theater, which is already enabled and is infringing on the constitution under a blanket of a “common good and safety”

Bringing tear gas with 3 guns to a theater springs to mind.

If they outlawed one due to a few precedent cases of people being killed, are you really surprised they are attempting to outlaw this. That’s pretty much as parallel as you can get. Two acts committed in crowded theaters causing deaths resulting in attempted infringements on the constitution.

I’ve said it over and over again. Don’t want the government interfering? Stop allowing idiots and crazies having guns and giving gun owners a bad rep. If you don’t, then it’s only a matter of time.

Freedom isn’t free

Vlad you’ve made some good points in the thread but this is just silly. Purposely inciting a riot and carrying a gun into a movie theater are comparable things?

Never mind that the movie theater that the incident happened in has a “Gun-free zone” policy, thereby making it illegal to have a gun in the theater in the first place.

not that this is news to most of us who have already researched the subject

“Gun free zone” in a movie theater is hardly a law, it’s a movie theater policy as a business. Worst they can do is kick you out.

Inciting a riot such as that is an actual nation wide Federal law.

Vlad, please read my pm…

Don’t really understand why you locked my posts in offbeat section,is it because I have different views than you about Obama? Or is it because your name was in the posts??? Before or after you said I’m not intelligent…

If you really wish to know my views of you having any say about politics, please p.m. me…

Stop comparing gun ownership to inciting a riot. Apples to oranges.

On the “Gun free zone” stuff I’m almost certain there are specific laws about this, if a business has this sign up it is explicitly illegal to bring a gun into this business. It might not be a huge penalty but that doesn’t mean it’s any less illegal.

Of course I’m not certain on this so feel free to correct me if you can find any sources citing specific laws, my google searches of “gun free zone laws” comes up with nothing but pages of sensationalist articles talking about how they don’t work.

Likely because you’re outright attacking Vlad, it’s childish and unneeded.

He won’t be breaking into houses anymore…

Shot 5 times in the face and still drove away. Future rapper status.

just another reason why to not take guns away from the public. Who knows what that hoodlum would have done to the women and her 2 kids if she wasnt prepared for it.

They found a obamaphone on him.

did she get any charges?

Yeah her taxes went up because we taxpayers have to pay for his hospital bills.

And his Obamaphone…

love u

a gun can be used for alot of things its up to the user to choose. i dont think guns are to blame

i am blaming the tv because advertisments. the tv is filled with them. if you watch it enough you will be like the rest.

also there are more dead babbies from mothers being unfit than school shootings why dont they talk of that everyday?

and i almost brought up that unlawfull katrina event

natural bias lmao. you sterotype naturally?

how many more laws and regulations do we need to fill in this grey area? :ponder