2013 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

When mothers being unfit starts killing a class full of kids, you can bet it will make national news.

If you just proved nature vs nurture debate and picked you side, you got a Nobel peace price and millions of dollars of revenue awaiting you. Glad you asked about stereotypes. Yes it’s natural to dislike other tribes, people, colors, dialects, environments, habits, customs you name it. You’re much more likely to like what, who, where you grew up.

Tv is the problem! Brilliant! Do the forum ads make you brain washes too?

They are always in that top corner…




if you think advertisements are helping people youve got alot to learn

why cant the cig brand camel have a cartoon character?

more than a class full of kids die becasue of unfit parents.

if the sandy hook shooters parents were better at raising a kid maybe that wouldnt have happend

its nature to dislike others? or is this taught?

when your born do you come out saying white power?

or do you gorw into that because of your surroundings?

there should be no gun control whatsoever, just like the old days. They survived just fine.

I don’t understand how there is any question with the 2nd amendment period.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

We have the right to create Militias to keep security of our freedoms. We have the right to bear arms. PERIOD! Any arms. This is why it doesn’t state anything else!

Shall not be infringed. Means NO ONE can change them.

I do not understand why there is an argument.

Double post WTF?

Devils advocate: (somebody’s gotta do it)

Seriously wondering about your view on the matter: Are you ok with limiting ex criminals from owning guns? Clinically insane? How about limiting types of weapons a regular person can own, such as full auto machine guns, rocket launchers, explosives, bio/chemical etc…

Did everyone forget that amendments can be repealed?

infringe means to alter in any way shape or form. doesnt matter what you believe in that’s what the constitution says and that’s what we are to follow as Americans. who gives a fuck if your neighbor can fire 5 shots a second on auto(guessing) or 2 shots per second on semi auto. Criminally insane obviously not, violent criminals also should be limited or atleast have to go through psychological testing(at their expense, if they want guns they will go through it) as they are no longer full citizens after you commit a felony. Do you really think citizens would buy fucking anthrax if they could? lmfao!

Altered isn’t the same as interpreted. Politicians, lawyers and judges have been playing this game for decades.

Disclaimer: I’m not picking a fight on your stance, rather exploring that side of few further.

With that said… where are you coming from with clinically insane aren’t allowed to own guns? That’s that’s not covered in 2A. I take it you’re alright with interpretation of 2A as in this case?

Nobody was talking about Anthrax specifically. If you’re implying that citizens wouldn’t acquire dangerous chemicals and explosives if they were legal, you need to look into the matter to realize that it already happens when it’s illegal, and will only happen in greater numbers when legalized.

I like argueing even if I don’t believe in what I am argueing against so I will play this game. And it has been altered despite that it should not have been infringed upon. The bill of rights covers citizens, once you are a convicted felon you are hardly a citizen. YOU mentioned chemical/bioligical weapons im sure there are plenty of different biological weapons but I threw anthrax out there as an example. If you can make anthrax in a lab then you are most likely smart enough to not be a fucking domestic terrorist, and if you are that’s just life. there are always gonna be people out there that go against the grain of society for whatever reason and decide to fuck shit up. We can’t give up our freedoms because a few people out there use them against us.

The bill of rights along with every other law only applies to people that are contractually able.

Convicted felon point is valid, and I agree.

However you still miss the point about clinically insane or mentally unbalanced individuals. They are still full citizens and you claim that they shouldn’t be gun owners. On what basis?

Yes I did bring up chemical/biological/explosive weapons and whether or not they should be restricted. Timothy McVeigh comes to mind. I just want to establish whether or not you’re fine with it go explore deeper hypothetical situations of what world would be like if there were not restrictions and demonstrate why they came about legally, without objection due to reason.

I’m pretty sure if you’re on medication and or seeing psychiatrist for mental issues you’re still contractually able

I’m not opposed to some gun legislation, as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of mentally stable people. I think background checks are fine, and wouldnt be opposed to having to take a psychological analysis in order to buy guns. I would bet good money that most criminally insane people are noticed by the time they are old enough to buy a gun, and for the few that slide like I said we can not allow a few people to take away our rights. freedom isn’t always free and god forbid we have to make a sacrifice for it. The chemical/biological weapons is is a bit ridiculous but I’ll run with it I guess. I don’t believe we need anthrax because you can not defend yourself with anthrax, you can defend yourself with a gun.

As far as legislation to screen for mentally unstable people is one of the best courses of action. However it would have to be nation wide and most likely Federal, and good luck selling that to 2A extremists who will fight tooth and nail over the fact that they have to go through another step before getting their rifle. I’ve already tried it with some coworkers. 90%+ of gun owners agree that mental cases shouldnt have guns, yet they don’t agree with the fact that they will have to be screened and follow the rule too.

Chemical/biological/explosive argument is extreme, but it is so for a reason. With 300 million plus people in this country, the most extreme cases become likely and realistic purely from statistical standpoint. .00000033% of probability means there is a person out there right NOW that falls into that statistical average.

We can not let fear overrun our freedom, no matter what there will always be that one crazy fuckin guy that wants to kill people who knows he/she may even be smart enough to make guns on their own, or make bioligical weapons. fuck there could even be someone out there smart enough to make an atom bomb from shit in your house. the point is we can’t let ourselves give up our our freedoms over the fear that some crazy fuck might hurt us. most people out there in the media that supposedly represents us that enjoy our second amendment hurt the cause more than they help it.

McVeigh didnt use military explosives, fertilizer and diesel fuel were his weapon. The insanity argument is because a psychopath will harm themselves or others given any opportunity, people like adam lanza cannot be treated or cured, medication and a cage is the onle way to ensure that they dont hurt someone, its a sad/harsh truth but it is the truth. A psych evaluation for firearms ownership is bullshit because it would quickly lead to yet another slippery slope, no different than suspicious activity reports that all ffls are required to submit, what point do you look at a law abiding productive member of society and declare them unfit to own a gun? Background checks i do believe are a good thing even for private sale, but doing away with all transfers is a form of confiscation, and the purpose of the second amendment is to arm the people no different than what an average infantry soldier would have, while i dont see any civilian needing full auto it is what the second amendment would provide for in this day. When it was written everyone had a musket just like the military, the muskets of today are m16/m4 type rifles. People arent saying they need tanks or military technology to wage war, just the neccessary tools to ensure their rights and freedoms, without the second, the other amendments are meaningless.

the second protects the first!

Problem is that if you can’t infringe upon freedoms, that means that even if you discover your neighbor laying out anthrax in his backyard in piles, you can’t call cops on him and tell him to stop even though your kids are playing in your backyard right next to him. He’s free to play around while being a potential thread to the livelihood of others. Same with the Atom bomb and etc.

You’re not free to do whatever you want when you live in a society and could be a threat to others. Hence why clinically insane people are detained (they should be free to live shouldn’t they? They can’t hurt nobody in the middle of nowhere living alone, yet their freedoms are taken away and they are locked up). Hence why you can’t drive drunk, hence why you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater… etc.

Fear runs people. Hence religion, politics, doomsday preppers, Y2K, terrorist, Patriot Act, end of the world in 2012, Rapture etc etc etc

tell me how you need anthrax or an atom bomb to defend yourself. the bill of rights doesnt apply to everyone vlad! only people mentally fit

guns can defend anthrax can not, it can only be used as an offensive weapon.

and if civilians had nukes theres no way in fuck the government would do things we didnt approve of lmfao!