2013 NHRA rules relaxed for 2008+ vehicles.


No Erik, None of that exists. None of it at all. Talk to the experts on here, they’ll tell you.

Then what do you sign it for? what is the purpose of it? please fill me in. I believe i remember correctly you are going to law school. So in april when i crash my car at the track will you represent the case when i sue lebanon valley because you told me that the waiver that i signed doesnt mean shit?

I was in Savannah GA for a truck meet a couple weekends ago and we hit up the local dragstrip on a Friday night.

I could not believe what I was seeing. ZERO tech, any car in the pits could just line up and go. There was standing water all over the place.

Nick I haven’t claimed to be an expert. All I am doing is understanding what’s in writing. If not being ignorant to facts, common sense, and understanding what’s right makes someone an expert, then call me John Force. I know you can’t breathe in space, but I never set foot on the moon… does that make me an astronautical expert too?

It was a joke from a 3 headed idiot.

But once again, the “its not illegal if you don’t get caught” attitude doesn’t make it right. I just don’t get it, why people want to limit themselves. So, because of stubbornness, you have to cross your fingers that you hit one of the “most of” tracks that let stuff slide with your under provisioned car and get to run it as you feel fit? Or spend hundreds of dollars to trailer it 10 hours away to run it south of VA. When the places you might hit are right in your backyards that check stuff and do their jobs.

And that’s only T&T’s, you cant do events. So you are even more limited.

This isn’t pointed directly at you or anyone. the "YOU"s are car people around the country.

Eriks car is 100% legal and certified to 9.99 i believe.

I will say taking a car with nothing more than a seat belt and 1000hp and running 9’s isnt the best idea at all. Especially down south were its all fox bodies etc. but taking a mid to late 2000’s car and running low 11’s high 10’s isnt that bad. At 11.51 youre fine. No cage needed, at 11.49 youre needing a cage. The margin of mph, and distance crossing the line from an 11.00 to an 11.60 is about 2 feet apart. This may not make sense to people who dont race often but im not caging my car because its a high 10’s car. Low 10’s id bar it.

what made you change your mind about caging your car? Becasue you were asking me to do it for you a while back? My potential loss of $ has zero to do with the question btw.

If i want to race MY car with no safety equipment who gives a fuck how fast it goes. If i die in it, thats cool, i went out happy. Better than living and having to look at the mangled mess you made. Fuck off with the rules, bitches.


See…now your preaching. If the TRACK rules allow you to run the way you show up how is it wrong? Are you taking a chance with your safety or the guy next to you? Sure. However the NHRA/IHRA rules are just that, their rules. So the track you go to isn’t owned,policed or sponsored by NHRA and they don’t require the same safety who are YOU to say everyone is in the wrong. If you are at an NHRA track and can’t run cause you don’t meet their rules then there’s nothing to bitch about. But being the safety police just cause you think that’s the way it is just doesn’t fly in other parts of the country.

Umm, I thought we were talking about NHRA tracks. For fucks sake its in the title!


If people decide to take a go kart with a big block to JoeBlow’s Raceway thats cool. Nowhere did anyone in the prior 31 posts talk about this applying privately run, unsanctioned 1/4 long strips of pavement.

I changed my mind due to cost, the fact that i will be able to build my own and that if i get into the area of 9’s with this car ill cage it. I dont go to the track or race nearly as much as i used to so im not going to cage the charger at a low 11 second area just because. If i buy a 13’ GT500 and do an auto, suspension, tires and 20 lbs of boost am i going to cage it? No fucking way. MAYBE a bolt in cage. Im not taking a brand new $65,000 car and putting a 10 point cage in it.

Nick thats perfectly fine. I understand that and can respect that if your expectactions for the charger are just that run within spec where spec applies.

Again…you’ve not been to Napierville…lol…and thats an NHRA track…and I am sure someone has taken a go kart with a big block down it. Honestly if you want to run 10’s without a bar I could care less. A roll bar isn’t going to affect me one way or the other in your car. I have one in mine and the only reason I’d rather see another car have one is without it he has a weight advantage :smiley:

no I havnt. I cant help it if NHRA decides to allow its sanctioning rights to be upheld loosly. It still doesnt change the fact that there is a point to rules. Being ignorant to that is just plain disrespectfull to the people involved with it. Please dont call me a preacher, when I speak my opinion on something I dont choose to be ignorant about. If you notice I havnt asked or demanded change from anyone based on my opinions. :slight_smile:

My point is if the track doesn’t care to enforce the rules it’s their choice. At that point it’s a personal choice to run safety gear or not. We all know you are big on safety. But one guy not having a roll cage isn’t going to affect you one way or another. And if you think an NHRA track goes through a car enough to catch a possible leak on an oil line…well…you better stay away from drag racing cause you’ll be a nervous wreck waiting for someone to burst into flames…lol. Most tech even at NHRA tracks comes down to “how fast is it?” “12’s” “have a good time”…then when he goes 10’s he gets a warning.

Napierville rules, literally zero interest in LVD. I’ll make 30 runs to your 3.

Yup…sucks when they don’t prep though…lol

and the last time TT and I were there they played jungle bump all damn day long :banghead