2013 NHRA rules relaxed for 2008+ vehicles.

Dude forget it then. I give up. If people want to live life by what ifs and chance so be it. I am not here to tell them any different. And believe you me I could give two fucks if someone chooses to ignore the efforts people, agencies and organizations put forth to keep them as safe as possible and they get crushed in their cars. Too bad for them. And no it won’t affect me sitting at my computer right now, but it does affect me, you and everyone else in little ways people choose to ignore or not even think of. Entry fees, costs for insurances, equipment costs for building cars, … everything has a cause and effect. Say next season some fluke of luck a thousand people crash somehow and get killed because they ignored the rules. Drivers, track owners, and inspectors. You can’t tell me that insurance costs for the tracks won’t go up, and be passed on to drivers and spectators. You can’t tell me that alot can change. Will it, probably not, never denied that, all I am saying is forethought goes a long way in life.

And the oil thing proves exactly what I have been saying and people can’t wrap their heads around. A simple malfunction (cause) can lead to much worse (high speed crash) and if someone took a gamble on their safety they might pay the price (effect). The cage rule ENCOMPASSES a lot of smaller safety factors that could creep up; like oil lines leaking, wheels flying off, suspension breaking, steering wheel coming off in your hand… many things that are unfeasible to check with a microscope. so the big picture (a cage) is the blanket that covers up those things and gives people a glimmer of hope that if something happens they are going to be ok.

All I did here was correct the assumptions someone made about some fucking numbers and letters on a publication, and I got ridiculed for using my fucking head and giving a shit about people and this sport.

fuck it. do as you all please.



so at naiperville they don’t mind not having a cage? regardless, i’d rather trailer the car 3-4hrs then hack it up and put a cage in it.

Maybe its just age , or maybe cause I have kids . But I want a cage in my car even if it don’t get any faster . Whenever I go to race I always walk the lanes and look at the cars I’m next to to see if its a hacked shitbox , why u ask ? Cause its that car that scares me as I know mine is safe .

Wtffffff are you talking about?

Miss u.

I’m saying the rules r there for a reason , leave em be .

This ^^

I used to believe in rules, till a black president got elected.

And there is the perfect example. Pete, you know I love ya man so dont take offense to this.

John is right, it has alot to do with age, wisdom, and how much they have to loose. There is a big difference in outlook between a guy that respects the sport they love, thinks things through more, and has alot more to loose if something goes wrong, than a younger person with alot less to worry about. Its the same shit I saw in MotoX. Young punk kids trashing a bike and other riders, breaking rules and riding like retards, just to win a trophy. If they break their leg they get to sit at home and hang out for 2 months. If you break MY leg, i might not put food on the table. SmokinnnSS quit for the same reason I did. Its the same with car racing. Nobody here makes money, let alone a living runing their cars. Bending and breaking rules is just ignorant to the people who have alot more on the lines if something happens, just like amature MX is.

And you dont have to hack up a car to cage it. The NHRA guidelines are about the loosest out there for roll cages. You dont need to alter the interior at all to put a basic one in. The only modifications you need to make would be drilling some 5/8" dia holes in the floors to bolt the plates in. NHRA allows you to bolt in cages, as long as the hardware and everything meets their specs.

In the current NHRA rules revisions for the 2013 NHRA Rule book!!

Additionally Requirements and specifications for Street Legal are the same as those for the Summit Racing Series with the following exception: Unaltered 2008 OEM model year and newer production cars running slower than 9.99 and 135 mph do not have to meet th
e requirements and specifications for the Summit Racing Series except for the following: Convertibles and T-tops must meet Summit Racing Series Roll Bar and Roll Cage requirements, All drivers must meet the Summit Racing Series Helmet and Protective Clothing requirements.”

Simply what it says is if your car runs 10.00 (or slower) and slower than 135mph you do not need a roll bar unless the vehicle has a convertable top or T-tops than the old rule applies for them. See ya in August. If you have any othe questions regarding NHRA safety rules just PM me.


“do not have to meet the requirements and specifications for the Summit Racing Series”

That doesn’t apply to Test N Tunes, weekend LVD bracket racing, or any other NHRA sanctioned event OTHER THAN THE SUMMIT RACING SERIES AND AAA STREET STYLE EVENTS. That is a new event classification aimed at getting street racers off the roads and on the tracks, IN EVENTS. AAA and Summit are sponsors of it and hold their own specific events. Thats what this amendment is written towards.


No its stating its the same as the summit series…rules are the same as always unless its a 2008 or newer unaltered car

Oh and this was just copied n pasted by the company who built my vette… They race competively anf has confirmed it as long ur car is under 135 mph and under 10.0 u do not need a cage unless t top or convertible

I can admit when I am wrong. Lets see: :pop

This isnt hard to follow:

Here is the Amendment.

Here is the section its changing.

The stuff in BLUE UNDERLINED TEXT IS BEING INSERTED INTO THE RULE BOOK. The text in RED DASHED OUT font is being removed from the rule book. Page XiV is part of the damn preface of the rule book. The actual RULES dont start until Section 1 Page 1. That of which the concept of what cars need what equiptment OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIC EVENTS AND CLASSIFICATION CATAGORYS starts way down on Section 10.

But what do I know, I am just a know it all behind a keyboard preaching a bunch of bullshit right?

lol i just talked to tech from lvd…cars 08 and newer unmodified can run 10.0 and slower with no cage as long as speeds are under 135mph…the summit racing series had diff rules then nhra…

But what do I know, I am just a know it all behind a keyboard preaching a bunch of bullshit right?

and just another douchebag comment from ur mouth…its like u want confrontation with every post…


Whats up with the UNMODIFIED shit in the rules?